World Futures Championship Winners 2013 of the year.

1. Victoria Grimsley

Trades long / short indices
Tradable contracts: E-mini dow, e-mini Russell 2000 futures
Stop Losses: Not
Profit target: Not
Orders for entering a position: Market
Orders to exit a position: Market
Среднее время удержания позиций: From a week to several months
Trading style: Trend and counter-trend

2. Song Li

Trades statistical advantage
Tradable contracts:  Currencies, energy carriers, rates, драгоценные металлы, stock indices, software and grain futures
Options: изредка
Stop Losses: the risk is determined by the state of the market, feet no more $800-$1,000
Profit target: the goal is determined by the state of the market; mostly $1,500-$2,000
Orders for entering a position: usually market
Orders to exit a position: usually mаrket
Среднее время удержания позиций1-30 days
Trading style: Technical and fundamental analysis

3. René Wolfram

Trades trends
Tradable contracts: E-mini S&P, Coffee, Natural gas, Euro FX, Sugar, Gold, Японская Йена, Platinum, British pound and Australian dollar
Stop Losses: no more $700 to $1,000 on contract; determined by market conditions
Profit target: разнообразный
Orders for entering a position: Limit, stop
Orders to exit a position: Limit, stop
Среднее время удержания позиций: from intraday to several days
Trading style: Volatility breakouts and countertrends


Let me remind you of the final table. As everyone remembers, from third place, after audit, Russian representative Maitrade was disqualified


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