About the project managers

Hello, friends!

Some readers ask about that, how is the project managers going, which I wrote about earlier: Part 1, part 2

No way. Many have written, many wanted, but disbelief in their strength stopped someone, кого-то — suspicion of deception, I myself asked someone to abstain.

One competitor broke the rules and went on tilt. As a result — serious drawdown.

Another declared his readiness, allegedly weighed everything and assured of participation, but then… пропал.

All in all, it seemed to me again and again, what traders — these are not the same people, with which you can go on reconnaissance.


I no longer plan to work with outside people on joint projects and recommend someone to people who have contacted me. I work alone and so much calmer. At least in this case, I am completely responsible for myself and bear responsibility again for myself and my actions..

God bless you, at least until the next update of the Zen blog Trading

  How to survive?
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