First time in three years.

Nice bike crashed today. Here is how it was: after descending from the bridge at a speed of about 20 km / h turned to the embankment, but since passers-by were walking along the main part of the embankment, decided to drive between the high curb and the pillar, but, apparently, the distance between them turned out to be narrow, And, or the handlebar, or the pedal touched the post and I suddenly felt that I was falling. Mainly broke my knee. It's good that the bottle contains clean water., and not a Pepsi-Cola, and there was also a rag in the backpack, which was just the right size to tie the knee, otherwise it would be somehow not aesthetically pleasing to return along the busy embankment, when the blood flows from the knee. Must, I guess, carry a bandage with you just in case. Although this was the first ever fall on this bike in 3 of the year. Waited a long time and finally it happened. Probability does not fail. :)

Interesting reaction of passers-by to the fall, or rather my reaction to their reaction. They are, of course — ouch, well how is it — but I always want to console them that they say nothing terrible happened and it's so much fun to fall off the bike, well, there is simply nothing more fun. Usually, I always go up quickly and with a smile so that no one has time to get scared, как будто ничего и не произошло. It was exactly the same when a few years ago I broke my arm while falling on rollers. — no one even suspected that it hurt, I do not like to act as a victim, though, actually found out that the arm was broken only after a few days. …

In fact, the reason for the fall is clear — lost fear, I was sure that I could drive through any gap. Punished for this, and rightly so. On rollers, I fell more than once, therefore, always be on your guard if something goes wrong, but on a bicycle I believed in infallibility. But it was not there…

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