An initial public offering is always about increased volatility..

Look, on smartlab real hysteria about the first day of trading on Twitter. Well swings up and down by 20% туда-сюда и что из этого. Maybe, IPO of popular companies is being watched for the first time. I remember in 2005 году торговал первый день китайского поисковика Байду (BUDU), so it is almost from the opening 300% during the session passed. Then, certainly, after the first impulse of euphoria for several months, half blown away, but it normal. All stocks are subject to cycles of greed and fear, and hosted popular companies are no exception.. But then it recovered and today the price has increased by 25 once. Smartlabs, sure, in 2005 year would not believe it, and in the words that the price will increase in 25 once, would answer that air cannot be so expensive. And where did they notice the bubble in the price of Twitter?? Bubbles have not been seen yet, I guess. That's when the price increases in 100 just then remember the bubble. But at this moment they, most likely to buy Twitter shares, since they will already believe that the price will grow indefinitely. And buy at the very top of the bubble. And now, what a bubble is it? When everyone says bubble, this is a sign that he is not there. But when no one talks about this and perceives growth as an inevitable objectivity, then this is a sign of a bubble.

Here is the historic day of BIDU placement 5 august 2005 of the year. True, this price is already taking into account the splits. So, on the first day of trading, it was either of order 100, or 200 Dollars, я уже не помню.


I am not suggesting that the price is guaranteed to rise or fall.. Just as opposed to the 'prophets" I say that today's price is the company's fair price. That other fair price, which unrecognized genius analysts calculate arithmetically based on their secret methods, may never be reached, because she doesn't know that she is fair. As a result of the trades, speculators will find out what price will be at each moment of time. That's why, maybe the analysts are right, who knows them, but their correctness is not a reason for the price to become just that, which they calculated as fair. :)

  ECN - Electronic Communication Network

З.Ы. Who's afraid to buy air, buy metallurgical giant Alcoa (AA). You won't earn anything, but investing in a real company with real undervalued factories and factories will warm the soul :)

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