affiliate program.

I noticed that recently there is a book boom on the smartlab. Все активно пишут рецензии на Books и от этого теперь зависит рейтинг на смартлабе. One could assume that reading Russia is being revived, who used to read everywhere before the collapse of the USSR — in trams, underground, buses, поездах, on benches and just standing or on the move, if not for one circumstance. Turns out, after each book a download link with a referral number, that is, the affiliate program is simply promoted with — smartlab will earn interest on sales of online books. And I was perplexed, where did such a passion for reading come from on smartlab :)

thought, maybe I register on too — I will advertise books in LJ, on classmates, contact and facebook. But then I read that money is sent only to webmoney, and I have a complete rejection of this organization. So I spat. :)

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