PAMM monitoring. Week five, first negative.

Continuation. Previous part here.
The week started well. Briefcase, slowly, but true, put on weight, bye friday, on level, it would seem that, place, PAMM-account "Classic" did not record a large loss. Thing, from a moderately aggressive account, ожидаемая, но неприятная. The only plus is that the manager did not wait for the dealer to close by stop-out., otherwise, the share of losses could have been much greater. In this way, "Classic" leaves the top three. Most money to investors, in five weeks, brought bills: "Victory" +82,35%, "New Electronic" +25,53% and "1020713" +11,71%. But I stress, that the portfolio needs to be considered as a whole, not just leaders, о чем писал ранее. To date, the composition looks like this:

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As you can see, 7 from 8 accounts in positive territory, total return for 5 weeks +12,4% (according to The only PAMM, staying in negative territory - After a major loss, there was hope, what the manager will draw conclusions, and will adjust the trade, but alas. Two weeks later, we see the same feints - sitting out the loss, leaving in a serious drawdown for the weekend ... If, for the first time, everything was dumped on nervous investors, что будет сейчас? Anya, or whoever trades for you - stop immediately!
Я говорил, that according to the experimental conditions, I will not change anything in the portfolio, but for the sake of interest, decided to calculate it also with rebalancing, которая проводится, when the share of one PAMM account, exceeds 20%. So here, now the cost of an ordinary portfolio 678,51$, rebalanced 672,90$.
Besides, five weeks ago, I have compiled a virtual "anti-portfolio" from aggressive accounts, the vast majority of which, included in the top rating. The situation there now is: lesion -46,5%, four out of eight accounts ceased to exist, only two accounts remain in the black, and their total profitability, inferior to the total profitability of the first two accounts of the "First" portfolio. Unfortunately, most newcomers, driven by seeming four-digit super profitability and dealer ratings, make up just such anti-portfolios, and lose money. For instance, real investment, in PAMMs, which I decided to cite as an anti-example, accounted for more 28 million (!) rubles.
Previously, in article, I detailed his observations and recommendations, following which, will help you make the right choice. Using these principles, lets another portfolio of mine, second week in a row, take first place in the competition (Really, there now, I plan to slightly change the composition of managers)

  ALCHI. Tournament results.

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In the same note, I predicted imminent problems in one PAMM account. And explained in detail, why does this have to happen. Schedule profitability, at that time looked like this, just great:

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Not a few days have passed, and everything happened according to what was drawn:

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curious, what investment, continued to enter until the last, amount of funds in PAMM, at the peak, was more 1,3 million. rubles.

Generally, I think the topic is over. All, what I wanted to say on this issue - said. Portfolio reports will, but I guess, already, not as detailed.
Резюмируя. Is it possible to make money on PAMMs? Can, but don't count on super profitability. A well-balanced portfolio can provide 8-12% per month, even less conservative, large percentages - from the evil one, luck, везение. There are also unprofitable months. Should beginners get into PAMMs? Not sure. In my opinion, experience of real trading will not hurt, and an understanding of the organization of this whole kitchen. Anyway, do not trust the ratings of dealers, should not invest in accounts, showed four-digit profitability in a couple of months, do not invest in PAMM indexes, that sometimes, are financial pyramids. Необходимо потратить время, for a competent selection of managers, некоторые из которых, maybe, occupy positions only in the second hundred, and they don't have many investors. It is not so important. More important, beat the system.

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