At last( and also a holiday at Sparta)

And so I finally returned from my absence from my favorite place.. I will not review today, better tomorrow at work.
But I will bring in a couple of thoughts. Critical zone 20-23 still remains so, but gave two opposite signals. Basically I expected a possible rebound, but not so strong. Actually, neither oil and copper are involved, one might say.

That small position, which I deliberately left in short led to a minus position of more, than i thought, but this does not exceed the maximum drawdown of this small scalp portfolio. This is always the case with the position trade., you need to decide either quickly and close with a tight stop, either you keep it longer. I decided to leave this time, Considering, that the minus won't exceed my maximum drawdown. Maybe if I was at the computer today, I could close and reboot, but without control of the situation, I decided to leave the SHORT position for a longer period. There is profit – so I decided to risk it, chance was good… why not.!

Cool other. My ardent devotee has waited for this day again for so long, that it made me tender))))When this small scalping portfolio had a good spurt , then he was silent- FAIR YOU OUR :))))And when I left the positional short, which is now in the red, he is HERE as HERE. “The gravedigger of the proletariat”)))

Our follower asks how a trader has an average profit per trade 800 can lose bucks on one trade 15000. I couldn't think of anything smarter?:))))

I'll go back to my position again, but my follower is apparently already finished case ))))
I must also dedicate my devotee to that, that I have a model main portfolio, which I will present to him for dessert…….:))))

plan of 23 november

growth leaders (Hai breakout entry): TRA SVR PCS LXP
fall leaders (for a breakdown of loyalty): NBR TLB DHI

William Delbert Gunn (W.D Gann)

William Delbert Gunn, best known worldwide as W. D. Gann, is a legend in the world of stock trading. He was one of the most successful, ever lived, stock traders. W. D. Gann was born 6 June 1878 on a farm about seven miles from Lufkin, in texas. He was the first of 11 children of Sam Huston Gunn and Susan Gunn. The Gunn family lived in a very small house without any frills. They were poor and young Willie walked seven miles to Lufkin for three years, to attend school. His father was a farmer in Angelina Country.. They were all worried about the price, which their cotton will bring. If you asked young Willie, did he want, when you get older, also cultivate the soil in East Texas, then he, probably, would say “No”, he didn't think so – he wanted to be a businessman. But work, which he could do on the farm, was more important to the family, so William never finished elementary or high school. Like the eldest son, he had a special responsibility, and those years of work on the farm, maybe, laid the foundation for his hard work habits.

for Russian friends

for that, so that you have a better idea, what is the stock market in Ukraine.
below is our most liquid paper Ukrnafta. consider, what about the opening of a new exchange (Ukrainian exchange) liquidity increased by orders of magnitude (in the plural). on the 5-minute chart, vertical lines – day separators, the system does not build anything until there are no deals, поэтому дни различной "длинны".

well how?)
though, despite all this disgrace, it is quite possible to work with such a chart.
somewhat similar to the American thin stock, with <200k volume.
as you guess, the market is very fast and does not forgive mistakes))

We trade like a sniper

Changing my trade a little since Monday. I will trade like a sniper, only targeted and competent transactions with minimal risk. Testing the table for increasing the position Pyramid is not possible, while it is necessary to recover morally and gain a profit.

Unknown pages of the biography of George Soros

Dossier, which follows below, based on the report of the EIR bureau (Executive Intelligence Review) in Wiesbaden in Germany, Published 1 October 1996, which is called "Resume of mega-speculator George Soros". Time magazine characterized the financier George Soros as a "modern Robin Hood.", who robs the rich, to give to the poor countries of Eastern Europe and Russia. It stated, that Soros makes a huge financial profit, speculating against Western central banks and using these profits to help the post-communist economies of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, to help them create, what he calls "Open Society".

Day trader risks

For some inactive position traders and investors with limited financial resources, the use of cheaper online brokers may be preferable. Trader, perpetrator 1-2 transactions per month and holding open positions for weeks or months, - direct access is hardly needed. But active traders cannot do without direct access. The ability to quickly respond to changes in the market situation is the basis for the successful work of an active trader. Especially, that most of us have become day traders today - even if we do not consider ourselves to be such. According to the entered into force 28 September 2001 G. new SEC and NASD rules, day traders are market participants, committing 4 or more deals for 5 trading days. If the share of such transactions does not exceed 6% of the total number, the client is not considered a day trader. The minimum deposit for day traders is now $25,000. At the same time, the purchasing power is increased (shoulder up 1:4).

Bidding on Friday

There was a slight minus on Thursday, due to a broken head in 9 morning :)

On Friday, he managed to open it.

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