Here's what I found..

Trader Monthly’s 5th Annual Top 100 Highest Earning hedge fund manager list is out….

And no suprise here, John Paulson, who shorted sub-prime related issues in arguably the best trade in history, tops the list at $3 trillion more….

To make the top 100, you had to make at least $75 million….

Here’s the top 10:

-John Paulson, New York, Paulson & Co. Estimated 2007 Income: $3 billion+
-Phil Falcone, New York, Harbinger Capital Partners Estimated Income: $1.5–$2 billion
-Jim Simons, New York, Renaissance Technologies Corp. Estimated Income: $1.5–$2 billion
-Steve Cohen, Connecticut, SAC Capital Advisors Estimated Income: $1–$1.5 billion
-Ken Griffin, Chicago, Citadel Investment Group Estimated Income: $1–$1.5 billion
-Chris Hohn, London, The Children’s Investment Fund Estimated Income: $800–$900 million
-Noam Gottesman, London, GLG Partners Estimated Income: $700–$800 million
-Alan Howard, London, Brevan Howard Asset Management Estimated Income: $700–$800 million
-Pierre Lagrange, London, GLG Partners Estimated Income: $700–$800 million
-Paul Tudor Jones, Connecticut, Tudor Investment Corp. Estimated Income: $600–$700 million

So much for trade…:) Nice to read this. Post old (April – 7 – 2008)

Original article

Market report.

Was puzzled by the question of market rapporting. If we imagine the market as a kind of animated egregor, theoretically it is possible to achieve this, just how to do it practically? Читал где-то, what traders, isolated for a while from communication with the opposite sex, increased their performance – actually entered into an emotional connection with the market, felt him, and it strengthens my thought, about the possibility of creating a working psychotechnics. I will think at my leisure. Who has ideas, connect.

A mystery country

try three charts to determine the country in question. maybe regional or other affiliation of the country, or region.

first schedule: structure of GDP in the usual breakdown by components (consumption on the right scale), but instead of pure export, just export is taken, to keep the intrigue, ie. the sum of the components does not give 100%.
second graph: growth rate of nominal GDP in USD.
third graph: structure of GDP by sector value added.

there are options?

in fact, this is the world economy.
which seems great:
* increase in the share of exports. not growth itself, and the growth rate. globalization, but.
* consumption reduction after 00x. by reducing the share of the United States? сомневаюсь, you need to look in more detail by country.
* still for shares, nominal GDP growth is very important. in the last post, Rosenberg talked about addiction (dependence density) between nominal GDP growth and company sales growth. no special conclusions should be drawn, but the nominal dynamics is very interesting.
* what surprised, this is the stability of the share of trade, construction and transport. And, for example, bounce in prey, but practically its absence in mechanical engineering.

weirdness detected. the nuances of the methodology that I have not yet understood lead to, what “Mining, Manufacturing, Utilities (ISIC C-E)” And “Manufacturing (ISIC D)”, it is often the same, therefore, in the graph above, the sum of the shares is somewhere 120%, but not 100%. at what, go out on 100% fails due to inconsistent ratio (ie. shares of one in the other, which leads to double counting).

just in case,
mining accounts for a small part of GDP usually. but the growth of its share in the amount of production + mechanical engineering is noticeable. the trick is, what “mechanical engineering” not equal “(mechanical engineering + mining)-booty”, because there are still utilities)

Long-term investment criticism … by Grigory Beglaryan.

Yesterday, by the end of the week, Nadezhda Grosheva practically managed to recoup her losses. With which we congratulate her :) Some of the bloggers recommended a strategy “Stay away from here” на долгосрочную перспективу. Beglaryan immediately became a resolute critic, citing the Japanese stock market. “The same is in store for China.!”, And generally speaking, “soon the world economy will cease to exist in that form, in which she is now”, “the bubble will burst”, “we live in the matrix” etc. Buffett got it too. Certainly, Gregory knows better, just where is he, and where is Buffett? :) The stock market has been around for hundreds of years, and has not undergone any fundamental changes. Processes have only accelerated, from the purchase of securities to the cycle time. And transformations always happen – это непрерывный процесс.

Steve Neeson (Steve Nison)

Steve Neeson, President of Nison Research International, Inc. (NRI), was the first, who discovered the Japanese method of technical analysis, known as "candlestick charts", for the West. He is an internationally recognized authority in the field., revolutionized technical analysis in the USA and Europe by applying these methods. He is the author of two popular books.: "Japanese Candlesticks" and "Beyond Japanese Candlesticks". He advises all over the world, including the Federal Reserve and World Bank. At NRI, Mr. Neeson specializes in webinars and consulting services to organizations. Detecting Early Reversal Signals With Japanese Candlesticks A prudent person has more than one bowstring for his bow.. ( Japanese proverb) Analysis of Japanese candlestick charts has this name, because its lines resemble candles. Used by generations of people in East Asia. Such graphs were in use long before columnar histograms or "tic-tac-toe", but were practically unknown to the Western world before, how I introduced them into use in 1990 year. This charting technique is now used internationally by many traders., investors and well-known financial institutions.

Reading friendliness and not only

One gets the impression, that I am the only "unique" who switched from funds to forex. It usually happens the other way around. For some reason I draw a conclusion from this, what the fuck is where and what to trade on by and large.


Everyone came to the markets to make money. But counting them in deals is evil. That's why:

Considering money, we automatically distort our view of the market through the prism of our complex equivalent.. Decisions about the moment of fixing profits begin to be made in relation to the size of that same profit. Is it little or enough. Has she repulsed previous losses or not, etc.. Greed and shit turns on…

So what's a comfortable profit for me 20-30 points? Markets sometimes give 5, and sometimes 1000 points…

Markets absolutely don't give a damn about our plans to make X money in a trade per day week month year. Markets start moving and end them. We only need to think about, how to connect to these movements, participate in them and get out on time.

All tables with compound interest, plans to become millionaires are all bullshit. Пользы не приносят, distract only. Работать надо. Screw up.

PS. I believe if traders are given only charts without any numbers (even without the current value), they will work much more efficiently.

Angry post, or Truth will prevail (хе-хе)

A few days ago I was banned from the stockportal forum. The reason – flood. (well, ie. my messages there were useless and had no meaning )

In fact, I inadvertently dared to hint, that the Chief Guru and the scalper guys pay Baranovsky their presence on the forum and the ability to remove objectionable messages. well, […]

to 21:00?

how frightened amer is today to 21?
little of, that at the opening all swing formations from the research were violated, the day itself was rotten, so even up to 21… well hack :)


First deal, namely buy with 1.4842 was safely missed, the second deal only at the end of the day. Stop as usual 10pp, profit 20pp.

Day summary:

S&P500 mini: +8пп.
CL: +20пп
6E: +20пп

Dubai debt may be higher, how $ 80 billion. According to UBS analysts

27 november (Bloomberg) – Дубаи, emirate in the gulf of which state-owned companies seek to postpone debt repayment, may be due to more than $ 80 billion to $ 90 billion in liabilities, undertaken by investors, UBS AG аналитики говорится в записке. “Maybe Dubai debt includes significant off-balance sheet liabilities, которые предусматривают общее бремя задолженности значительно превышает $ 80 billion. to $ 90 billion. По оценкам рынков до сих пор,” Недвижимость аналитика Сауд Масуд писал в записке, yesterday. “This could mean, что долговые обязательства, выпущенные компаниейДубай в последние недели, является недостаточным для удовлетворения предстоящего погашения “.

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