Complications, they need to grow up

When I traded e-mini s&p500 contract, I worked with one lot. I had thoughts of terrible inefficiency all the time.. Type can be topped up, be covered in parts, etc.…

In fact, it turned out to be not so simple. On the contrary, it is even more difficult.. As soon as a position is opened, it already puts pressure on the psyche. Difficulty making decisions regardless of the current situation.

Briefly speaking. Before working in a position broken into parts, you need more money. First you need to learn how to work in one part.. This is indeed, By the way, applies to working with different tools - it is better to start with one.

How do you work with positions? Topping up? average? Cover up at once or in parts?

And yes…?

75.15 KB

We look at the readability for now and the logo design itself. Not a color scheme.


Today I went to an interview for their interest for the sake of. who has questions – ask)
what happened:
office – well, the hall was empty without traders and therefore dull, I was in the 1st half of the day. states are still sleeping. I would certainly like to observe this atmosphere, I'm actually looking for her as one of the main. so the dealing room looks more like a counterstrike club. taxi monitors, shitty sistemniks.. dusty.
Madame interviewed me very softly, accumulated, by script. it took half an hour. a small queue has already formed behind me. asked what I know about the markets, asked various psychological testing questions..
sobsno for money it is strange at the beginning it turns out. more interesting further. 20% you get from scalp, with better results – give more.
that's the topic there. to raise money in management, you need to save up 2000 bucks as passing the readiness exam. I asked `` what is the average time frame for reaching this amount for those, who succeeds?".
the answer was: usually on average in the second month…
and then I was puzzled. here is awful rough arithmetic: take the situation for example – trader scalp with 100 wrenches. profit – 1h, stop – 1h.
per hour really do 100 transactions on average, it seems to me from outside. this $100.
let's say the commission is half a dollar – means net net remains $50 bucks an hour. but this is with 100% hit, but it doesn't happen. suppose the trader is mistaken in 50% cases. so he is with 100 Sherz can scalp in an hour on average 25 bucks clean. suppose endurance is enough for 4 hours per session – this $100 bucks per session, taking into account the commission and 50% th misses.. looks real? I can quite.
now back to swift – there is a beginner's deposit 5000k bucks.
then you can calmly sit down in the sprint promotion `` S" which is right now 3.7 and drive 500sherz here and there. I think liquidity will allow. what happens? 125 bucks a day clean for 4 hours of hard work.
how then can it take almost two months, to make these exam $2000?
or I'm too self-confident, or I have a false idea of ​​scalping.. I don’t understand..
try – It would be interesting.
but I'm not sure, that now I want to spend two months of my life on this, considering that home trading is improving on nyse.

In hot seat

Listening to CNBC now, pancake, I do not envy, how he gets watered by a weirdo senator from Kentucky!! It hurts much more, than me…..famous person…

It's a pity, Ben's voice trembled ! :((


There is such bullshit: if you try (proceed) expand the range is done 1-2 point towards expansion and (sharp) bounce back - this suggests, that there is no desire to move in this direction.

You can try to enter on pullbacks.


Trichet says such smart things, that the markets don't know where to go! Tossing like yo yo )))))

Trading strategy 80-20

80—20’s is a strategy, used by us for day trading. Many of our readers, maybe, already familiar with the book "Taylor's Trading Technique" (The Taylor Trading Technique), a reference guide for swing trading. In a nutshell, Taylor's method implies, that markets move at a natural pace, folding day of purchase, sell day and short sell day. This model is also confirmed […]

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