LJ osmar92
I looked through skype chat in the morning:
[1:58:48] novel: they thought that I had some kind of link leading readers to some forex site
[1:59:11] Sticker: and unban is expected?
[1:59:25] novel: don't know or new magazine
[1:59:35] novel: I correspond with them
[2:00:14] Sticker: Something sheer bad… MF banned, in LJ too…
[2:00:29] novel: idiocy fear of competition
It looks like some critics were quick to draw far-reaching conclusions.. but as always. This quality distinguishes “dreamers”.
Temporary LJ Roman
UPD. It turns out the blog was frozen due to a link to Stockportal. I remove their banner, the rating of traders' blogs is useless feature anyway, the real state of affairs does not reflect, and if you wish, you can unwind even to the first five, there would be more clicks on the link. Question, why?
UPD2. Roman's old blog