idiot's dream come true

not so long thought, move science (?) in Ukraine,
but somehow it didn’t work out that way,
for which only thanks to the circumstances.

but the reward always finds a hero.
today for the first time lectured to students about,
What takoe trade, what is technique, that there are no grails, etc..
all in all, scientific practical approach to theory))

real students, real two identical lectures,
real 2x(99 slides for 80 minutes) and a broken voice)

Be wary, the planned always happens, even when you don't expect him at all)
I remembered Andrukhovich with 12 hoops:

“In his letters from Ukraine, Karl-Josef Zumbrunnen wrote: “All, What we wish for ourselves, what we think and what we hope for, definitely happens to us. The only thing is that, that it is always too late and always somehow wrong. So, when it appears before us, we don't even recognize him in the face. Therefore, we are mostly afraid of the future, afraid of travel, Children, we are afraid of change. I do not know how to resist this, but with all my might I pretend, that I do it. Not so long ago, the lights were turned off again for a long time”.”

Brief results of the week

At the beginning of the week I brought 30% and leaked them in local stores (((:

I couldn't work normally. All week, as soon as I opened the terminal, I had to urgently short, I'm really crazy.

Worked with a minimum lot, Did +12.65% (to the depot at_begin_week – inferred) 28.73 to the original depot.

Yes, I'm a fucking scalper. Well, dick with him, there will be time - I will improve. It is much more important that I do not sit out in cons (;

On weekends I plow to the real sector ):

We all have a good rest!


Sunday, generally, it turned out to be stable. General account of ALCHI portfolio +20,33%.
An important level for bulls on the MICEX – 1360. It needs to be held, as an important foothold, to continue the rally :)

research level up

I had a significant research level up, which happened quite spontaneously after communicating with one trader on Skype. in fact, he briefly dropped the approach of one of the other speculators: "if I see three points in the last 5th minute of the session, where would i go for sure – ставлю на лист". I just softened a little for myself –

if a I see one point, where I would be guaranteed to go in the last session and see one for the penultimate one OR see two entry points only for the last
if a day is not torn, more or less smooth and adequate in general
… then put this action on the list

even after watching half of the lighttrader seminar by Albert Azimov, I began to look at the same 5m as the action was going relative to the gap, how the high or low went relative to the previous session.

all this catalyzed yet MORE understanding what is happening!
what , Certainly, begins to affect the result.. minus – takes more time to research, on 30-40% than before.

– I look at the smoothness
– I watch how I acted in and out of ranges
– I watch how the intraday levels went
– I see how the hi-lo went for the last session
– I watch how I moved relative to the gap

– Adequate, Smooth
– not torn, ie. few gaps
(in general, I give the daily less weight).

Getting Started with NASDAQ Trading

Starting next week, I plan to add NASDAQ shares to my trading. But this is already with a new broker and on a personal account. I found myself a good one and will soon write a review on them and why I chose it. Какие есть отличия в торговле на NASDAQ от NYSE ??? P.S. It seems that the feet are not placed there. ???

Results of the past week 7.12 – 11.12

The week I got back to zero. Just started experimenting with fat stocks and huge volume, but on other days, following my trading strategy, I got a good plus. I will try to trade more consciously using an additional strategy and less volume, until I understand my pros and cons. It is necessary to strictly observe discipline and trading strategy. There were no major mistakes, but the additional strategy took profit from the main strategy. Slowly my trading is normalizing and getting back to normal, then everything will be fine -)

Expensive testicle…

And the MICEX index today still updated the hai, resolving the dispute, arisen after this post
Well, the percentage of hits voted (strange, that rusmarket voted for Armageddon, probably lured the bears)
With Sberom, and even more preferable, In general, everything is clear too. Shorting them at those levels was crazy. Will the index go higher 1400 or collapse, I do not know yet, need to see further price dynamics, but time, direction, and the target was chosen on time and to the place.

I was wrong

Not so long ago, summing up the results of the month, i wrote, that there is no desire cut down quick dough. Apparently this is not entirely true. It's about the scalping nature of my trades. How fast profit-taking differs from "cutting down quickly"? For two weeks I have been writing that I should be short, short… I write specific goals. As a result, from 600 points of movement took about 30. Well, not fucked up?

The roots of the problem, of course, lie elsewhere. To overclock a small account, you need to use huge shoulders (read big risks). And with high risks, every tick against you is a huge stress.. And when the position becomes profitable, I think: "Uh, carried away "and close faster. BUT! Stsuko, Max! This is not what the trader is paid for!


1. The trader is paid to, that he knows how to wait. Knows how to wait for the moment to enter a position and (what is more important to me) knows how to wait for the moment to exit. If a trader can't wait - fuck him (to me), not profit!

2. The trader is paid to, that he knows how to objectively assess the situation in conditions of fucking psychological stress. In a fit of panic and doubt, a trader must make decisions and act! Otherwise, not only will nothing work, and most likely will lose.

Wait for the moment to enter, I'm more or less successful. But with the release - full peh.

After entering a position, maintaining composure is not about me.. I remember perfectly recent trade. Lena asked something like “what do you think should go?», and I said straight out loud: I think, I can no longer objectively assess the situation. True, there was a load on almost all shoulders and a maximum drawdown of the position 35%, but this does not change the essence. Exam not passed. crap yourself. I couldn't.

Now I enter a position with the minimum lot, but still sykatny, already kick-ass! I can't either 15 minutes in a position to sit ): Gotta do something about it. Somehow it is necessary to treat it.

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