Price table for using orders on ECN
Price table for using orders on ECN exchanges I think it will be useful for many and it is useful to know the commission.
Price table for using orders on ECN exchanges I think it will be useful for many and it is useful to know the commission.
I've always been interested in, what people think about this issue.
Table prices for the use of warrants on the stock exchange ECN I think many useful and helpful to know the commission.
Now I will do every day “d z”, take stock, готовиться, And “right” trade during the session. Approach with “decrease in the number of shares” haven't really tried it yet, but the commission is not charged that much, as i thought, therefore from tomorrow I will trade on 25 shares per transaction. Posted screenshots on forums, I will, as always, sort out my mistakes.
well […]
How to find out, that a person has no idea about the world of traders?
Answer- If he asks a question about how a trader manages to trade and write in a blog, and play games and so on…. :)))
I'm waiting for refutations and my thoughts.
Interesting, how can you explain, what's in the states for Avatar 3 D people paid extra 3 dollar, and I paid yesterday 540 rubles, but usually I cry 350. It turns out , that I paid more somewhere 6 bucks more expensive ;)) This is what the same customs duty, like cars ? :)))
Boys! I don `t understand. Judging by the comments, many do not understand, how does the pair trade work. And here is the naked short of Sberbank.
I am talking about a pair trade and should not be considered separately., and together. Even if Sberbank goes up, Gazprom may also go to the top, and in case of a fall, the rate of fall of Sberbank may be higher than that of Gazprom.
So I gave you a graph, so you can see, what you need to watch together , and not separately
I give the pair trade chart of Long Gaprom and Short Sberbank. As seen on the right side of the curve (bell) распределения. Currently, Gazprom is located in an area of less than 5%, what is of interest, like a long against Sberbank.
It does not mean, that the trade will be successful at once, but throughout 3 months Gazprom can behave better, than Sberbank. If consider, that the market is so far unpredictable and neutral, then this trade can be called to some extent market neutral. Judging by the bottom graph below, potential profit can be substantial.
The schedule is also normalized, that is, it shows 2 parts of Sberbank against 1 parts of Gazprom.