Evening update

 Looks like , that the Christmass presentation took place not only by the index, but also on copper, and oil has rebounded quite well lately.

Maybe this is a sign?

Not very pleasant events began to happen. The power supply died and took the screw with it. All my bookkeeping is on the screw, statistics with 2006 years and all screenshots of my transactions.

It looks like the universe is telling me: start from the beginning. Also the new year is on the nose.

In the states, apparently today is the pre-holiday session. I waited, waited, waited, waited, waited, waited, and they stopped once. Okay, at least today I quickly jumped out of the saw and saved myself nerve cells.

It seems time to end the trade, sum up the week, months, of the year. Relax and get ready for the new.

Anyway, tomorrow is definitely the last trading day of this year.


I'll be busy today, maybe in the evening we can exchange glances :)
Good luck.

Day trading for 3 December

DTE : DTE Energy Company Bought on the continuation of the upward trend GME : GameStop Corp HUM : Humana Inc

introspection in trading

in smart books on the psychology of self-development, attention was often paid to, what questions do we ask ourselves.
so here's the thing, personally for me, the quintessence of introspection in trading is based on everything 4x questions:

  • why did you come in?
  • why came out?
  • what did you do well?
  • what could have done better?

I don't hit the buttons

Made today 2 deals, one minus the other plus. But again at the entrance to the second trade, number of shares in the Level panel 2 increased to 100
And I planned to trade only 25 shares. The first deal turned out to be a plus 19 Cents. And the second is negative 7 Cents. But the first deal 25 шерс, and the second 100. Ie […]

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