Information about the work, this is a NEW YEAR'S JOKE, evil cynical joke, can you unfriend me.

Results of the past week 21.12 – 24.12

The week started somehow not very well for me. Monday and Tuesday closed in the red, something the market did not understand at all these days, but on Wednesday and Thursday I closed in a normal plus and the week turned out to be positive. The situation is similar on your trading account., of course there was more of a problem of a purely technical plan on my part, не привык к терминалу и пару раз цены стопов перепутал, but it was still a plus week.. Friday was a day off at the stock exchange.

Laser Trade Trading Platform Review

Laser Trade - developed by Genesis, which allows traders to directly conduct transactions directly on the three leading American stock exchanges - NYSE, AMEX, NASDAQ, where more than 13,5 thousand shares of various issuers. In this way, Laser Trade trading platform provides access to information, which was previously closed. Until now, access to the American stock market has been limited by strict territorial and financial qualifications., i.e., either traders from the USA were admitted to the market, either traders, having serious financial resources.

Results of last week 7.12 – 11.12

WEEK I turned back to zero. Just started experimenting with thick stock and a huge amount, but on other days following his trading strategy with a good plus. Will try more consciously trading on additional strategies and fewer, until we understand its pros and cons. It must be harder to maintain discipline and trading strategy. There is no gross errors, but additional strategy took profits on the basic strategy. Gradually my trade back to normal and getting back to normal, then everything will be fine -) list of biggest bankrupt companies stryker triathlon knee chrome att preferred stock symbol momentum leads price linda bradford consistent results psychology of head and shoulders pattern merry christmas 123

reading on electronic trading directly to America. venues

obvious fact, that highly specialized books in Russian on electronic trading on nyse / nasdaq / amex – once or twice and too much.
in fact, there is only one – this is Gerchik's book.

recently managed to find another – R. Дил "Стратегии дейтрейдера в электронной торговле".
good so, what, Again, narrow profile! there is an interesting infa on the difference between ECN, about the work of market makers.
she is of course a little behind the times – 2001year, but the base for general development is not bad there..

Life is like a game.

Today, in the intervals between pull-ups on the horizontal bar and bench press, it occurred to me, how can you shift the idea, put forward in the previous post for our whole life (Who said, that physical and mental activities do not mix well). Many are now summing up the results of the outgoing year, making plans for the next. Everyone's different. Buy a car or visit an ashram, add five pounds of muscle mass, or hook up 1001 Girl, earn a million euros or afford to buy panties for five thousand rubles. Every year the plans become less and less ambitious.. The reason, usually, in psychology – in non-implementation of the previously conceived, oblomov, troubles of life. But maybe., we just prioritize wrong, we illiterately plan and allocate our time. Bodo Schaefer has a thought, that people tend to overestimate their capabilities for a year and underestimate for ten years. I communicate, mostly, with people aged 30-45 years. In theory, it's time for self-realization – experience gained, money earned, you can move and develop further. But unfortunately, percentage of those, who is constantly improving, attends seminars, learns foreign languages, participates in new projects, playing sports, not so great. Very many correspond to the statement of Milton Erickson “Some people die at twenty-five, just don't bury them until eighty”. Generally, these are wonderful, positive comrades, but something happened, what prevents them from moving on. They are stagnant, and water does not flow under a lying stone. Wearing old clothes is becoming the norm., worn out shoes over torn socks, do not monitor the hairstyle and body weight, and not because of, that there are no funds. It's just that life has become extinct and insipid. All the conversations – or about work, or memories of the past. Someone went to orthodox religion, and imposed a bunch of stupid prohibitions on himself. Attempts to get such a person out of his own cozy swamp are unsuccessful.. You communicate with him by inertia and every year less and less. Things like this happen to me myself, when you don't want anything, nothing burns, nothing pleases. Lasts from a month to two, sometimes accompanied by illness. Then I suddenly wake up and start to kick myself out. Such periods are very destructive and can seriously damage the performance of the tasks assigned., throw back. At one time I tried to fight them by leading “success diary”, but the idea itself is a little blurry and vague. Really, what to write there? All actions for the day-week-month? Now I thought, that you can try to rework the idea of ​​the diary, by analogy with the computer game SIMS, divide into categories and score points for completing an action, leading to the result. Actually, day, which we spent in front of the TV, aimlessly surfing the internet, or chatting over a can of beer in the company of similar depressants, can be safely considered thrown into the trash. We will not receive any bonuses during this time. We grew old for a day and achieved nothing.
How points can be awarded? Achievements in physical, Moral, Emotional, Material, professionally. For example, did fitness / sports, +1 to health, +0,5 to appearance. Have learned 10 foreign words, +1 to education, read a book on psychology, +10 to science :) And so on.. An important element of money. Consider how earned, well spent. On the one side, waste of money, this is a decrease in material bonuses, but they go to purchase some useful things. For example, stylish thing, or a haircut in an expensive salon, this is a plus for appearance, self-confidence, charisma. Money spent on attending the seminar – plus to knowledge. Actually, it is important to just maintain a positive balance, earn more, what to spend. Borrowing or borrowing – it is also a minus in the field of emotions, and you need to correlate it with the resulting benefit. Everyone can choose priorities for himself, according to which, can give himself points. If we reach a big goal, scheduled for the year – accrue a super bonus, Hurrah, we became happy owners of panties for five thousand :)
Someone is already mentally asking: what for me all this self-deception? If in the morning you are just torn apart by ideas – I just have to envy you, but most people are too immersed in the routine of consistently performed habitual actions. Don't think, no need to create, day after day, year after year. The proposed game will not take long – day-week, someone has a month, thinking about life priorities and developing a scoring system, And 10-15 minutes a day to keep a diary (that's a lot less wasted on nonsense), but will teach you to set tasks and achieve their solutions, step by step. As a result, we will receive a detailed report on the past year., We'll see, how consistent have we been, what have been achieved. In conclusion, I will add, what periods, when I wrote down all my cash income in a diary, several times exceed the periods of profitability, when i didn't.

P.S. The post is addressed more to yourself, but I will be glad, if someone gets something useful for themselves.

План на 2010 year.

Following the example of his friends, he decided to develop a plan for 2010 year. Посмотреть можно здесь:

I liked the system very much, in which you can see an analogy with pumping an avatar in a computer game. Reworked a little for myself, by looking at current yields. Each step (level) in the conservative portfolio will be +2,5% from the previous, in aggressive +15%.

ALCHI and others. Week summary.

This week, ALCHI portfolio ends up in the red. Main reason – stopped fixing intermediate profits, focusing on distant targets. As a result, I did not fix several profitable trades. (at least partially), who then went into the negative zone. Therefore, I decided for myself to return to proven tactics., with take profits of part of the volume, placed on the nearest supports / resistances, followed by a restart from a bounce / rollback. Portfolio total return +18,86%
With an experimental forex portfolio, things are much more interesting. After the drain, I replenished the deposit, reduced the size of the traded position, revised the policy of placing stop orders, and approximately halved the number of signals to enter the market. Surprisingly, this practically did not affect the performance. In four days, 8 deals on the eurodollar pair, all in plus. Total return per week +17,14%.

What's the hangover proverb…

Due to the specifics, every free artist, designers and others, even if they work in small teams, corporate events have to be organized by ourselves, with colleagues in the creative workshop. Who tried to encourage at least twenty people to do such a thing, understands, how difficult the organization of this event is. A variety of excuses come up: “I have a post”, “25th I have an English exam”, “My bird-fish-rat is sick”, “Husband-wife won't let me go, or I have to earn bonuses, and therefore I will not go”, “I have no money now, because. spouse and two muses are expensive in content :)” etc. and so on. Every time, those few people, shouldered the task of organizing everything, dock everyone, and please everyone, Swear, that they will NEVER do this again, and every new year everything repeats from the beginning. The tradition has been around for several years.
This time there was a party a la “dudes” in orange ties and retro suits. Not all fit the dress code, but who was in advance – well done, looked great. As for me – came off to the fullest, completely shutting down the brain (a couple of weird pictures can be posted later). But I didn't drink heavy alcohol, booty-face did not fall into the salad, I woke up at home in the morning, in your bed, and mentally scrolling through the sequence of events noted, that he behaved within the bounds of decency (all of them have different frames). Satisfied. You need to go out more often and communicate.

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