Good mood…

Have a great mood and a feast everyone, may your life be also brilliant, like sparkling splashes of champagne at your table!

trading on the NYSE 2009-12-31 16:59:47

at the end of the year there was a long-awaited confidence, that i'm doing everything right.
it will not let me go astray in 2010 year.
I wish everyone one – implementation of the planned! nothing gives greater confidence in one's abilities and a sense of inner triumph other than a feeling, when you reach your plans, or a new stage in a global sense.
and don't be the same, who & quot; should drink, must stand at the bench and must vote for whom they say & quot;.
break out of the SYSTEM and build your WAY!

ALCHI. Tournament results.

so, tournament is over, the results are summed up. My result is quite modest (+20,38%), но стабилен. Only three weeks out of eleven, when statistics were taken into account, closed in minus. Maximum drawdown, (on the basis of daytime sessions) amounted to ~ 6% of the deposit. Generally, worked satisfactorily, and most likely, I will keep the third place (if none of the participants post a super result over the past four days). The rival friends were worthy, and I have enriched my experience with many, thanks to communication with them. Generally, I would like to note an interesting trend. Among the four leaders of the past week, overtook the MICEX index, there were participants, using fairly conservative trading methods – holding positions for more than one day, disuse of the shoulders, шортов (I shorted a little, Really), buy strategy & hold.
In conclusion, I will say, what in 2010 the tournament will continue, only in a slightly different format, new members will join. See also, private investors, those who want to make money on the market with minimal risks and just people who are interested, a surprise awaits from the organizers of ALCHI. But about this, in January.
Good luck!


From the comments, so.. Porzhat:garri41: Fish, who doesn't want to be like that, like all fish, washed ashore and there dies. Тигр, which is not a hoch

Gap Open Trading Tips

The Gap Open Online Stock Trading Strategy The “Gap-Open Trading Strategy” is a popular online stock trading technique that we use whenever a stock gaps open beyond our planned entry price. For example if we plan to enter a stock long at $50, but it opens the next morning higher at $52, we will then apply the Gap-Open strategy. – Stock Trading Online Here’s how it works. Instead of entering immediately at $52, we wait until the stock has been trading for thirty minutes. We then check the highest price that the stock traded at during that time, and re-set our entry point to just above that level; usually .25 to .375 of a point is enough. Once the price is reached, we enter our trade. It’s as simple as that. If the stock is really strong, it will first gap up at the open, dip down as some traders grab a quick profit, then turn around and move higher. By waiting until the first thirty minutes of trading is past, we avoid buying at what is often the high of the day.

Who decided to spoil…?

 Who decided to spoil mine " super" collective record2 :))))
Jokes aside.
Websitehacked and now I had to block my plastic card and to order a new one I have to wait for the end of the holidays in Russia!?
Why are there such long holidays?? :))))))

I want to see 300 RSS subscribers for the New Year

Give me a New Year's gift, I want more 300 subscribers in the RSS feed, some kind of magic figure, all can't overcome it. And it is good for you and I am pleased ;-) Subscribe to RSS and give me a gift

Wow! )))

 NASDAQ Building at Time Square evacuated under bomb threat. Previously, the market would have reacted immediately, and now zero emotions !

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