We continue the conversation.

Yesterday I listened to Bodo Schaefer's audio seminar again “The art of managing your time”. This time I made a lot of notes and conclusions for myself.. Interesting statistics are provided, how many years of his life a person spends on any action. For example, smokes, or watching TV. I watch TV very rarely, I do not smoke, but this was more than offset by reading useless garbage on the Internet, chewing a hundred times in the comments of one topic, and so on. Instead of smoking, the pauses were filled with tea and coffee, That, I decided to replace with more useful things. Actually, according to Schaefer, cases can be divided into 4 large spheres: BUT) Urgent and important, what has to do with taking fast, responsible decisions, for example in business, B) Unhurried, but important (actually, this is the sphere, dedicated to creativity, our purpose in life, in my opinion, this is the main area), C) Unimportant, but hasty action (then, what is being done in the current order – for example, utilities payments, taxes, machine repair, etc.) D) Time eaters (don't need to list). A task, define for yourself – in what area(Schaefer squared) have you been in the last week, outline things, which you really want to do, plan a typical daily routine for the year, 10-15 years (how would you like to see him). List of values ​​in life, tasks for six months to a year, with the possibility of further development. Spheres – health, finance, relationship, emotions (in Kovalev it is even more developed.). Principle: I want it done. What I don't like so much, to delegate to do it to others (given that, that another will like it). To be -> make -> have.

trading on the NYSE 2010-01-03 05:40:47

six months later, I reread M. Douglas's The Disciplined Trader.. I wanted to look at my perception of this material through the prism of a slightly more experienced, than then.. реально, the only book, where there is almost no water and everything is on the case.. in Psychology – лучшее!

To work!

2nd of January – first working day of the new year.

Life is too short, to tell her about incomprehensible things :)

So we rested for a couple of days and to work!

Happy and profitable January everyone.

I hear, this year will be awesome!

And it keeps snowing, and it keeps snowing…

Three days in a row, with rare interruptions. Already forty centimeters poured. The weather is so, how i love in winter – comfortably, minus 7-8 Degrees, really cloudy. Real new year :) but, did not want, to make it happen like three years ago, when it snowed so much, what's with the warming, cars got bogged down on the very thresholds in the melted “porridge”.
Ski (skating) the season is usually marked by unaccustomed legs. So this time. After the first ride, sealed everything, went again. Ride a few steps: A-a, painfully, go back, whatever? Not, continued the execution. Meters across 500-700 the pain is gone, and I even enjoyed communicating with the winter forest. Truth, took off the plasters at home – all ripped off, in blood, decided not to ride for a couple of days, to dry.
According to the diary. There were many questions in the comments of the post “life is like a game”. I began to guide him in an unfinished form. Put goals for the year in the beginning, and there are several super goals, the achievement of which is not feasible in the new year, but there is such an opportunity, big goals, medium and small. The latter must be performed in the current order., as a necessity, but important, to create the effect of translational movement. They can also serve as intermediate steps to completing larger tasks..
I am writing everything in a row: The weight, daily regime, what did you eat, What did you do, Read, Learned, learned new, income / expense ratio, etc. and so on. The main focus is on the completeness of the action and the final result.. Think, in a month or two I will have a workable system. Another important point – accustom yourself to journaling and tracking activities. Conducted research – it takes a person about 60 days (this is for example, the habit of running in the morning) The habit of drinking a glass of orange juice, about 20 days. But it takes several times less time to develop bad habits.. So the diary is also important for self-control., and its conduct, also a good habit :)

Well, away we go… ;)

The goals are set, tasks defined, correct diary, with steps of success, заведен. Who will not comply – that sad loser who lost another year of his life :)

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