Current position of some portfolios.

The trend-following futures portfolio is so far:

Another trend tracking system. Portfolio of uncorrelated ETFs, like futures, but the advantage is, what can be bought with any volume. Recently started, therefore, while the composition is small, not all caught yet:

CanSlim stock portfolio from IBD-100:

Will it happen again

I'm not hinting at anything., but just presenting an interesting schedule for consideration, comparing markets in Japan and USA. This topic has been repeatedly discussed earlier., but nevertheless I liked the colorfulness of the graphics.
I would also like to note, that from a fundamental point of view, the processes can differ, but with the technical one may coincide. This has already been confirmed more than once., based on my experience.
As you know, the problem in Japan after the bubble was deflation, and the states are trying to prevent it.

It turned out, it seemed

I thought I had a rest, I thought from Monday I will start to sausage the market, duck no: it turned out, it seemed.
Forcefully I look at the charts, I hardly find something new for myself. I'm starting to get confused.
Suspect, that it is related to my depression about education, which is literally forced to me. With 11 session starts in January, there are tests and exams, i don't know what i am […]

Carefully funtik…

 Carefully funtik, the tongue may fall off.
If it happens, then the pound may lose too many pips.

PIMCO: 80% Chance Of A UK Sovereign Downgrade

Not all , what glitters- gold!….

 Everybody screams gold, gold !!!
In fact, in 2009 year, many commodities added significantly more in value, than gold.  Consequently, the following representatives of the commodity market shone better:

Life style

 What is trading for me?

Work. Not more, not less.

I have no problems like `` trading for me – all" and the like..

I live interesting, busy life.

Gym, friends, travel and favorite work.

No extremes.

I get up in the morning, doing business or going to the gym and only at two o'clock in the afternoon I come to the office.

Then the working day begins. Market rises, news analysis, preparation of the plan.

A little after twelve at night I'm going home.

On weekends, I don't even think about work.

It is this alignment of things that allows me to work effectively and live a full life..

Collective2 MasterForex Academy

Opened an account today for Collective2 for Masterforex Academy" for intraday trading in American stocks. Asked (DetailsTyk here). Otherwise they tell people that they trade profitably with the ratio 1/3, but no one believes them. Now they will prove their skills in practice :)

From now on, we are closely following the trade of the MasterForex Academy" by system Amadey_MF

It would also be nice to open the same accounts for other well-known authorities in the field of teaching stock trading like, for example Alexander Gerchik, Nikolay Stepenko and others. Students, looking at their results, they could choose from what they see in practice.

Who does not know what is Collective2 — raise your hands.
All in all, this is the most famous place on the internet, where investors and traders from all over the world converge. If you have a profitable system or are trading profitably in an intuitive way, but there is no money to trade for yourself, then just open an account on
Collective, trade there for a while so that at least some account history appears and if the equity curve of your account creeps up, subscribers will be drawn to you, and there are immeasurable of them.. You set the price for signals yourself, considering the competition. It is possible in a month, for a quarter or for each profitable trade — there are many options.  Think, very profitable business, and then many on forums spam differently, investors are looking for, and investors are all on Collective hang out :)

Nutcracker. Tarasova. Bravissimo

Went today to the ice show "Nutcracker"" at Luzhniki staged by T.A.. Tarasovoy.
well, First, this is one of Tchaikovsky's favorite works, maybe the most beloved.
I can only say EXCELLENT.
A beautiful colorful show and the music of the genius Tchaikovsky. At all, I think, that only an abnormal could write such beauty, out of this world man. And when I hear NO TWO , it doesn’t work without goosebumps.

I'm a terrible photographer, but for a general presentation and brilliance of the photo here

Tatiana Anatolievna! Hello and congratulations from your brother. :)
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