About trading and related emotions
This post is addressed to young traders, but it may be useful to others.
Trading – this is not a part-time job, and real work. Very heavy, but incredibly interesting.
You can't come here for half a year or a year. Only for a long time.
Training can take a huge period of time. We are all different people.
I, for example, used to be fond of bodybuilding, so very disciplined and emotion for me – little problem.
Someone emotionally will be harder., but he is easier to master the technical side.
Anyway, you need to give yourself time to study.
Decide for yourself – are you ready to come into trading and stay in this profession?
If not, then you better not go to this profession. Nothing good will come of it.
Probably, you have a bad opinion of him.
It often happens., that a person comes to this job and begins to make profitable deals almost immediately.
But it's too early for him to rejoice. Actually, his success plays a cruel joke on him.
This person can easily star and merge after a while..
Main, what young traders need to understand – you came to work. Not many years, you can safely spend a year or two studying.
Work your hardest. Even if you make money right away. You cannot relax.
The better you are at trading – the more you need to limit yourself, punish and not let loose.
What I want to tell people over twenty or thirty years old – the road to this business is not closed for you.
You may feel sorry for spending several years of your life on another study..
Again understand – trading is not a clear science, there are no iron rules.
Your three higher educations won't mean anything here..
Many very rich people came here, who have built their business in other areas, and lost.
There are completely different laws. You need to learn completely different things.. It takes time..
All you need to decide is `` seriously and for a long time" or "a little bit".
If you chose the first – then someday you will succeed. If the second – choose another profession.
ALCHI. I'm in third place.
The official results of the tournament have been announced, winners awarded.
This year the competition will continue, alternatives, присоединяйтесь!
The beauty of fundamental analysis
The beauty of fundamental analysis is, that despite all the calculations, the price of an asset can move in the completely opposite direction :)))
See, which says something from the fundamental analysis of oil on 2010 year.
According to the EIA, global consumption in 2010 year will grow by 1.1 million barrels and will remain below its peak.
Now let's see., what the OPEC countries will produce at 2010 year, more 4 million barrels., which by the way , above average 2.8 million in a decade . But oil still moves up, till.
Same question…
More recently, I raised this issue. , about the Fed's ability to buy the market, and now the same question is raised on ZEROHEDGE, and they answer my guesses.
Have fun in the morning :)
Yes, you be careful with fractional lots there. The Criminal Code on this matter states for the first time an administrative fine, but for a repeated fractional lot — from 1 to 5 years with confiscation. That's why, будьте внимательны :)
BRIC is already performing well enough in the global economic horizon, and there is also 2 echelon of countries.
These countries will have to be reckoned with in the future. Let's put it this way., years so through 10-20. Who are they?
M– Mexico
A– Australia
V– Vietnam
I– Indonesia
N– Nigeria
S– South Africa
Nothing human guru is alien
Apparently Roman Abramovich likes Nuriel Rubini. maybe this is his new consultant.
Nouriel Roubini Parties At Roman Abramovich’s Mansion With Gwen Stefani, Ron Perelman, And Lots Of Ladies
Abramovich bought on St. Bart the most expensive villa in the world above 70 million dollars and made a party for 250 human, where did Gwen Stefani invite, Нуриел Рубини, Beyonce, Prince, different oligarchs( I was not invited :))))
ETFs instead of futures
They asked me, what are these uncorrelated ETFs? Maybe others will be interested. Explain. I meant ETFs, that is, funds traded as stocks, the structure of which is based on futures of various commodities, Metals, energy sources, currencies, etc.. The point is to diversify. For example, I chose ETFs, which are more or less liquid — there were not so many of them:
Softs group
BALL — cotton
ALREADY — coffee
NIB — cocoa
SGG — sugar
Energy group
ROTTEN — gas
USE — oil
Metals group
JJC — copper
JJN — nickel
GLD — gold
PGM — platinum
SLV — silver
group of currencies
FXA — Australian dollar
FXB — British pound
FXC — canadian dollar
FXE — euros
FXY — Jena
COW — meat
JJG — grain
DBC — product index
DBB — metal index
IYR — real estate
EZ — South African stock index
EWZ — Brazilian stock index
For some reason, I remembered the stories of Kir Bulychev
And it appeared much earlier 2080 of the year.
But before the interstellar, and even interplanetary flights have not matured.