Pacifist - warrior

It is such a strange combination of qualities that Prostopniks is, chief's nephew, whom Asterix and Obelix, already known to us, will have to re-educate. More precisely, at first he is just a pacifist, sloth and coward.

Such a nephew is a disaster for the leader, especially if his state is constantly forced to fight. Things are not going very well now either.. Vikings raid all coastal countries of Europe, but each time they return more and more disappointed, because their potential victims scatter before, than it comes to some slightest scuffle. Sorcerer Cryptographer explains this to the leader as a consequence of fear, Say, people get scared, and from this they have the ability to fly. The leader is not very different in his mind and decides to get a connoisseur of fear, who would teach his brave warriors to fly with fear. Vikings go to Gaul, and of course, who turns out to be the main contender for the role of teacher.

Watch Asterix and the Vikings, despite, what is this cartoon, worth individuals years from 10. However, there is an information message for every age. Children will appreciate the brightness of the characters, richness and obvious adventure motive of events, adolescents will be attracted by the often used youth slang and the attitude to, that folk songs suck. For adults in this cartoon separate conversations, thoughts and some parables. Anyway, 75 minutes of viewing will fly by in one go.

The cartoon came out in 2006 year, so now you can watch Asterix and the Vikings online for free. Viewing Asterix and Vikings in good quality is a great solution, if you decide to have a good time, without leaving home. The peculiarity of this cartoon is, that the animation in it is hand-drawn, not computer. In the modern world, this is a great rarity.. They, who caught the popular comics about Asterix and his adventures, may note, that everyone is in a tunic. The same living heroes, the same bright colors, in history nothing is confused and not changed. And this is very important, because it is known, how scrupulous are comic book lovers about the life of their favorite characters. Any change can cause a storm of indignation and a flurry of negative reviews.. However, they, who ever read these comics (First, by Rene Goscinny and Albert Ouderzo), have already grown from that age, to perceive such things closely. Although it is possible, that childhood stories are most carefully guarded.

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Comic Authors, Rene Gochinni and Albert Ouderzo, in their heroes they embodied the features of the main trends of French youth of the 60s. That's why the heroes are so bright, alive and so different. In this part, such colorful new characters as Abba appear., daughter of a viking chief, who strongly stands for the equality of women and men, and Prostopniks, who sees the meaning of his life in dancing.

If you watch Asterix and the Vikings online, take the time, to see others movies for free and without registration online.

After all, there were eight cartoons and four full-length feature films in the series.. There are many more comics., so hopefully, that our beloved heroes will be included in the list of film premieres more than once.

All in all, как итог: Asterix and the Vikings is another great French cartoon for family viewing or having fun with friends. Очень рекомендуется к просмотру!

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