Bundle of investment news: taxes for investors and Bayer court cases, reports


Disclaimer: when we talk about, that something has grown, we mean a comparison with the same quarter a year earlier. Since all issuers are from the USA, then all results in dollars. References were used in the creation of the material, which are not available to users from the Russian Federation. We hope, Do you know, what to do.

Watching reports

Salesforce (NYSE: CRM) reported an increase in revenue 23%, and the profit grew by almost 5 once, and to a large extent by improving the situation with operating profit, and last year the company's operations were unprofitable. The company was able to earn thanks to non-core operations with investments. She also improved her forecast for the next quarter - the results were better than market expectations..

У Medtronic (NYSE: MDT) revenue increased by 37%, and profits more than doubled to 1,367 billion. This result is better than market expectations and much better than, what happened in the same period a year earlier, when quarantine spoiled the company's revenue and profit growth. Hospitals have since reopened., and the doctors began to perform operations again.

The results of the company can be considered a good indicator of the state of affairs for all other manufacturers of goods for medical professionals - obviously, what's next, the sooner hospitals and operating rooms return to normal operations, which stimulates demand for appropriate equipment and consumables. Medtronic also increased its annualized dividend from 2,32 $ per share up to 2,52 $ per share.

Costco (NASDAQ: COST), like other retail chains before it, showed very good results in the last quarter: revenue increased from 36,451 billion to 44,376 billion, and profit from 838 million to 1,22 billion.

VMware revenue (NYSE: VMW) grew by 9%, and profit from 386 million to 425 million. Most of the company's growth is due to the subscription segment., slight growth was observed in the services segment, but the sale of licenses has fallen.

Autodesk (NASDAQ: ADSK) pleased investors with the growth of revenue by 12%. The largest growth was in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region - +20%, and the smallest in the USA - +8%. Subscription sales have grown significantly, and revenue from technical support fell. The company's profit increased by 2,5 times before 155,6 million dollars - mostly due to tax deduction. The operating profit of the company grew only by 2,3%.


У Dollar General (NYSE: DG), despite extremely favorable conditions, revenue fell by 0,6%. But thanks to the diligence of the management, the profit increased by 8,07%.

At another chain of inexpensive stores Ollie’s Bargain Outlet Holdings (NASDAQ: OLLI) revenue increased by 29,5%, and profit - by 65,1%.

Veeva Systems (NYSE: VEEV) showed revenue growth by 29% - with excellent growth shown as subscriptions, and the service segment. Profits have grown since 86,570 million to 115,567 million.

У HP (NYSE: HPQ) revenue increased by 27,3%, and profit - by 61%. The results were better than market expectations, but stocks still fell, because investors are afraid, that the boom in demand for home PCs has already passed and in the future the company is waiting for a drop in sales. What, if it is true, then the current report does not understand this.

Anaplan (NYSE: PLAN) increased revenue by 25% mainly due to an increase in subscription sales, sales of services showed more modest growth. But with a profit, everything is not very good: losses increased from −39.602 million to −51.491 million.

У Box (NYSE: BOX) revenue increased by 10%, and losses decreased from −25.55 million to −14.573 million.

Sanderson Farms (NASDAQ: SAFM) showed an increase in revenue from 844,711 million to 1,133 billion, and profits have grown since 6,118 million to 96,911 mln - the company's operating activity last year was unprofitable.

Hackers, hackers everywhere

Microsoft reported, that Russian hackers from the group Nobelium, previously hacked the company SolarWinds, at the moment they are trying to hack already 150 various organizations in the United States - from government departments to non-profit organizations. For all companies, working in the field of cybersecurity, this is very good news: the hype around hacker attacks is helping to attract a crowd of speculative investors into the stock, and the growth of orders from the companies themselves. After all, corporations do not really want to become figures in history, similar to, what happened to SolarWinds.

No rest for Bayer

US court refuses to protect drug and fertilizer maker Bayer from further lawsuits, associated with use of the cancer-causing herbicide Roundup. This is problem, because earlier on business, associated with Roundup, the company was forced to pay 10 billion - because of what went into minus in 2020 year. This is not good news for the company's shareholders., as the opportunity remains, that in the future the company will face new lawsuits for a round sum. Or don't wait. Here's how it goes..

  Potential threat

Uber for truck drivers goes public

Chinese company Full Truck Alliance, acting as an aggregator of orders for the delivery of goods by truckers, plans to go public with an IPO in the US. This is a significant event for two reasons..

Firstly, it will be a major IPO: the capitalization of the company at the current assessment will be 20-30 billion. Secondly, this IPO comes amid escalating US-China tensions, under conditions, when a number of Chinese companies, traded on US stock exchanges, delisting threatens. I do not think, that this is a sign of an improved relationship, - most likely, The thing is, what chinese stock market cannot meet the needs of startups in capital, and therefore Chinese issuers are going to the hated laoi.

The company operates only within China and is currently hopelessly unprofitable: last year at 395,5 million in revenue she had 531,9 million losses.

New Trouble at Boeing

The company has suspended shipments of Dreamliner series aircraft to customers due to quality problems.. Worth noticing, that Boeing receives more and more quality claims, which suggests that, that the company's product level is falling. AND, given the relatively small share of military orders in the company's revenue structure, I wouldn't hope, that the timely receipt of a new defense contract would greatly improve the situation.

This is not good news, not only for Boeing shareholders., but also for contractors like Spirit AeroSystems, whose quotes have recently risen amid news about, that troubled MAX will soon return to the sky.

News from the fields of scarcity

Different companies deal with semiconductor shortages in different ways.

General Motors resumed production at several factories, previously stopped due to lack of semiconductors. It is not clear how, but the company was able to obtain the necessary components.

Tesla, meanwhile, is now in direct talks with semiconductor manufacturers., to buy manufacturing facilities for an uninterrupted flow of electronic components, critical to the production of its electric cars. But in any case, the shortage of semiconductors will cost 5% sales to auto makers this year. But companies, manufacturing equipment and providing services in the field of semiconductors, this whole situation will be at hand.

  Not bad

Stone pays taxes on time, Good job!

In a longread about possible tax reforms in the United States, we wrote about possible amendments regarding “taxes on unrealized assets, which have risen in price. So here, American President Biden recently proposed a draft budget, which is composed like this, that it includes these amendments, as if they were taken in April 2021. If the amendments are adopted, then they will be retroactive, that is, they will be extended until the adoption. Understandably, that the amendments are not a fact, what will they accept, but the news is still disturbing. This could lead to a massive sell-off in stocks and a strong correction.. More broadly, this could lead to an outflow of capital from the United States..


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