
Well, who is against черепах торговал? mm?)

План по limitedly-public dispersal of the mini-depot is in full swing)) Just for today (Fri) I doubled it)) And if you count from the amount, which I saw in the morning – then tripled))))

Don't believe – спросите у Lany) She winged me with her own hand at the end of the session))

Turtles are already accustomed to seeing a full ahuyevitung in the trade room., which i create, but hayou was the climax))) Yesterday I shorted, not waiting for the signal.. and sat all morning in a drawdown.. a real system signal arrived at lunchtime – and I fucked in LJ, pier, шортнавсё)

Himself in addition to these poses, still added on others so much, what do i have I JUST DID NOT ENOUGH FUNDS IN THE ACCOUNT FOR INTRA-DAY MARGIN))) I.E.. ON ALL SHOULDERS)) More shortcuts were simply not allowed)))) Then hours in 7 in the evenings I had to get on the plane and I just closed the terminal without stops, beh ni # uya, told everyone:”Yes, blaspheme here to watch, it's obvious pi # daricus” and left)))) Ie. самый что ни на есть ALL-IN))))

On the plane, I remembered, what I need is to close some of the contracts at the end of the session, to crawl through the margin on the clear, otherwise Lana scared me, so that it will not be penalized and will raise the GO for me, what would not maitreydil)) Otherwise I do it all the time… And my arrival is exactly at 00:00)) And I call her right from the wing (on landing), грю, throw off unnecessary poses, otherwise I won't have time)) She apparently did not hear due to interference and cut the whole fuck “briefcase”)))))))))) Byhyhyhy)) And then my goals are even lower… this is just the beginning. My goal there is to quadruple the depot.)))))))) So I hope they will still let in)..

  Ballad of Maitrade

Briefly speaking… do not change the channel))

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