Reply to Chamberlain

Undoubtedly, debt is a burden, therefore, you should always stretch your legs over your clothes. The problem with debt is the problem of specific people. Inadequate assessment of their capabilities and real conditions.

Borrowing has its advantages. This is primarily a solution to current liquidity problems.
My opinion is this, what i'd rather have now with debt, than get something through …twelve years,when you can't use it. I grew up in those
Times, when mom and dad worked almost in 2 смены, being a teacher and doctor,respectively, и по истечении 30 years( could have done before, but not earlier 20) activities were able to acquire a Lada., they did not deny themselves anything else, из того , what was possible in the USSR. Therefore, I formed a specific view of this.
Obesity problem( not counting cases of genetics and disease) there is no problem of having a lot and variety of food. The alcoholic's problem is not the problem of the variety and abundance of alcohol on the market. The problem of debts is not a problem of the existence of credit institutions. It all depends on the person himself, from his food culture, from his financial education, from his common sense.
There will be no alcohol in stores, there will be no fewer alcoholics, will drink , что попало, although it may and will eventually be reborn and destroy the country's gene pool. There will be no abundance and variety of food, then on one bread and potatoes you can also swell…..There will be no lending, will live in Khrushchevs and ride on `` stools on wheels ''.

Why do they say, that the USA is a country of opportunity. Это верно, but there is also a danger, точно такая же, how not to calculate and overeat, do not calculate and get burned and so on. The system further provides your responsibility and your understanding of what and how to do. If you entered the premises and saw a slot machine. You can walk by and not play, either get stuck and lose your money. Slot machine, or a one-armed bandit,it is an 'opportunity',for some it serves as entertainment, enrichment for someone,for someone with a vacuum cleaner. An adult needs to understand their risks.
Truth, Unfortunately, there is a category of people , which is prone to addiction, but that doesn't mean, that the state should deprive the rest of the people of the `` opportunities ''.

  For beginners infa ...

Returning to student borrowing. If the state does not finance education, then tuition becomes paid, After all, teachers need to live a normal life, hence the payment for education. Well, if the state does not finance , then it already provides some programs and assistance at the initial stage. In the USA there are more than,than enough especially for the poor.
What's going on on this front, we provide statistics in the USA.
About 20 million students attend colleges every year
Out of 20 million only 60% borrow money to cover tuition.
At the end of the first quarter of 2012, about 37 million have debts
By age

to 30 years—14million
30-39years-10.6 million
40-49- 5.7million

In general, the debt is about 900 billion-1 trillion dollars.
At the same time, federal loans–864млрд и 150 billion is & quot; private"

The average debt of those, who received the bachelor's degree—-$7,960 — after 4 summer study in government institutions , $17 040 in private non-commercial establishments and $31 190 in prestigious commercial establishments.

Average balance for all age groups $ 24 301
25%—-,balance over $28 000
10%–more $54 000
3%—more $ 100 000
less , how 1% —-more $ 200 000

from 37 million borrowers only 5.4 % did not pay the loan on time

So, that the picture is not so scary, how some people `` paint '' it.  24 000 dollar is not such a terrible debt.
They, who borrow a lot and study in prestigious places and receive decent salaries from the start.

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