Recruitment for learning to trade American stocks is open (NYSE, NASDAQ, Amex, ETF)

The second recruitment of the day trading training group begins. NYSE,Nasdaq,Amex,ETF (American stock market).

Меня часто просят провести вебинары и лекции по торговле на US Stock Exchange, but there is not enough time for that. By training я занимаюсь не первый год, но даю знания только traders companies. Now there is an opportunity to take my course for ordinary traders, who really want to work and improve their trading.

begining: 20 October.
Term: from 6 months or more.
Author and presenter: Dmitry Gavrilov (Good_Trade).
Markets: NYSE, NASDAQ.
I trade with 2008 years on US stock exchange.
With 2009 years senior trader и групп-лидер.
More than three years of successful training of the company's traders.
Target: teach you how to trade profitably, improve results and eliminate errors.

Course program:
1 November - 1 decarby introductory lecture course.
With 1 december practice, lectures, material fixing.
With 5 January individual work with each trader.

  • development of an individual strategy for your trading style;
  • analysis of your deals;
  • improving your trading;
  • identifying errors and getting rid of them;
  • constant control on my part;
  • lectures;
  • individual risk management;
  • помощь.


I will be your personal trainer in the market, I will make you work for everything 100%. My Course of Study consists of 90% from practice, which I have taught other traders for years. We will work closely every day, developing in you the skills of a successful trader.
If you are ready to work on 10 hours a day and count, that you can't live a day without a market, I will be glad to interview you. I don't take everyone, а тех, who really wants to work and be successful. Probably, we will work together for more than one year.

  Tomorrow I will edit the TS

Bonus: To the most hardworking and capable, I will refund the money for education + I will give the amount in trust management.

There is 2 payment options :
1. 1800 Dollars +20% from your profit on a monthly basis for the entire period of work with me;
2. 5 000 долларов за год.

When paying before 1 October, according to the first option, a discount in 300$!

You can learn more :
Skype: nysetrade;
Mail: [email protected].

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