Central Bank Report: the portfolio of the average investor has decreased from 409 to 290 thousand rubles

Central Bank Report: the portfolio of the average investor has decreased from 409 to 290 thousand rubles

The Bank of Russia published a review of key indicators of professional market participants for the first quarter of 2022.

There are more investors

Despite the volatile February and March, the number of clients on brokerage services increased quarter by quarter 15%, up to 23 million people.

But the number of active customers fell to the level of the end of 2019 - to about 13% of the total. The bank cites three reasons for this.:

  • investors did not want to fix losses and decided to sit out;
  • Trading in shares in March Mosbirzha held only six days;
  • part of foreign securities was inaccessible due to sanctions.

The share of clients with empty portfolios has not changed – all the same two-thirds, or 63%. The share of clients with a portfolio of up to 10 thousand rubles — 21%, with a portfolio of 10 thousand to a million — 13%, with a portfolio of one million — 3%. These 3% customers own 90% assets.

Central Bank Report: the portfolio of the average investor has decreased from 409 to 290 thousand rubles

But there is less money in the accounts.

According to the Central Bank, in late February - early March there was a "significant change in external conditions". For this reason, many stocks have fallen., and investors began to withdraw money. The portfolio of the average investor by the end of March in money "deflated" from 409 to 290 thousand rubles.

The total value of assets of individuals on brokerage services fell by 19%, to 6.7 trillion rubles. Of these, 5.8 trillion rubles are securities, 0,7 trillion — money in rubles or foreign currency.

The total volume of assets - individuals and legal entities - fell from 18.9 to 15 trillion rubles.

Central Bank Report: the portfolio of the average investor has decreased from 409 to 290 thousand rubles

Course to the Russian market

Due to new infrastructure risks in the form of sanctions and other restrictions, investors have reduced the share of assets in foreign currency. Here's how some positions have changed at the end of March.:

  • the share of foreign shares fell from 16 to 15%;
  • the share of foreign bonds fell from 15 to 13%;
  • the share of foreign currency fell from 10 to 6%.

But the share in ruble assets increased, despite the drawdown of the market in late February - early March. And here's how:

  • the share of Russian shares increased from 21 to 24%;
  • the share of Russian bonds of banks increased from 13 to 15%;
  • the share of rubles increased from 3 to 4%.

The outflow of money from foreign shares began in January, and at the end of February intensified. At the end of the quarter there was a net outflow: investors withdrew all the money, which have brought in the last three quarters.

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С российскими акциями ситуация обратная, because there was a net influx: investors brought more, than brought out.

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