Fundamental rules

After reading some blogs, I decided to remind my basic rules again( somewhere in the blog already quoted), then , what has been observed by me for a long time. You know a lot, but nevertheless I wrote this " under my own sauce '', because 'suffered" :))
These rules will help you " to stay afloat" long time, subject to correct positioning.
Market success is not about quick and big " win '', and in the systematic accumulation of profits with minimal risks.
I watch often, that many beginners or those, ko thinks that, after selling for a couple of years , he has the right to give advice to the left and to the right, uses terminology, not understanding the essence.
For example, is it possible to download the entire deposit!? And no one will even mind, that it depends on the characteristics of the financial instrument. It is necessary not only to look at the shoulder, but also on the maximum deviations of a particular instrument in a period of time( laying extreme value). You can buy liquid shares of many American companies for the entire deposit, which do not change in a month 5%.
AND ,you are welcome, don't listen to those, who knows how to teach and criticize, without showing your results. Reminds me of a thief, screaming " stop thief '.
And there are also such, who points a finger at….They are cynics. CYNIC- it's not just that, who teaches on the bitter lessons of the past; it is he who prematurely disappoints in the upcoming.
And than ,a priori ,they , who usually criticizes and lectures, in fact they can not do anything.

1. Be emotionally ready to trade, no greed and fear( emotional preparation)

2. A trading plan must be prepared in advance( analytical training)
3. Correct positioning – recipe for success, don't try to catch the bottom and top( Trend is your friend)

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4. Eliminate Bad Trades Immediately , keep the winning, don't bring a winning trade to a loss( Wealth Management)

5. Don't load all the money at once, add to winning trades, don't average losing trades. Enter and exit the market gradually, don't be greedy.

«Bulls and bears make money, and the pigs are losing»

6. Always evaluate the risk-reward ratio, be patient, «trade must come to you, you don't need to chase him».

7. Be emotionally balanced with losses, they are part of the business.

8. .If the position is in doubt, do not guess and do not suffer , but liquidate the position.

9. Avoid making the same mistakes and constantly improve your technique, but don't over complicate.

10. Don't Think, that you are smarter than the market. The market is always right. Trade what you see, and not that, what do you think!

10and. Be disciplined and strictly follow the rules, be sure ( but not presumptuous)in my own power and the result will come.

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