OLCHI. Start of a new season.

Friends! Glad to inform you, that the new season of OLCHI starts today. Same way, like last year, it will be possible to join the tournament at any stage. Для наблюдателей появилась возможность просматривать charts доходности конкурсантов, and portfolio contents. Members, keeping track of profitability from last season, or, for example, since the beginning of this year, will be able to add it to the competition portfolio, because. many are interested in the result for the longest possible period of time and the ability to generate profit on the account. Until the end of March, the tournament will be in beta testing – it only requires duplicating your profitability figures (for example in a spreadsheet), in case of unforeseen failures. All results, go to the asset. Winners will be determined in two categories: & quot; Best result of the season 2010" (calculated from the end date of beta testing), and & quot; Best OLCHI Member" – the best profitability since the start date of last year's competition is taken into account, or from any moment of data receipt.
More details about the tournament can be found on the official http page://www.invest-liga.ru/olchi
The competition is held on the site http://www.invest-liga.ru/ This is a new portal, dedicated to investing.

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