OLCHI 2010. New members.

New participants joined the tournament on the first day. It will be interesting to watch, after all, most of them did not compete in last year's competition. so, поприветствуем!

Goal Investor http://www.invest-liga.ru/portfolio/goal-investor/sportivnye-stavki
“Sports betting, as an effective investment tool” – that's what the participant called it. For me personally, bookmaker bets are something of a Chinese literacy. Schedule доходности очень волатильный, but nonetheless, has had the best result in the current year since January 1.

mr_moneymaker http://www.invest-liga.ru/portfolio/mrmoneymaker/moneymaker-1
Speculative portfolio, showed high profitability on the first day.

Moonlight_Guest http://www.invest-liga.ru/portfolio/moonlightguest/olchi-forts-2010
High-risk aggressive strategy. The result is also very decent.

Wish you good luck in the new season.

Last year's contestants also joined the tournament.: danny-carey, Maxim_Pr, mighty777.
We are waiting for the first results from earlytrade. We are waiting for the winners of the season 2009, using fundamental ideas, yoursolstice и stagirit.

You can follow the state of affairs in the standings on http://www.invest-liga.ru/rating

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