Another thoughts

Don't understand, why it happens, though… Насчет «не понимаю» – it's self-deception. Я всё понимаю. The problem is, that I am afraid of losing part of the deposit. When there is a stable and good result, or something strongly motivates me – everything is fine with me. But when things go wrong, and I understand, that I'm in the ass – I feel bad. Every shit goes into my head, начиная от «get drunk beer» and ending «go work north».

First 1-2 часа торговли я вобще практически через силу сижу и смотрю на charts, and of course I'm waiting for Tim Sykes to enter the deal, чтобы повторить за ним. А потом появляется уже нейкое притяжение к рынку, that's getting interesting, как-будто я заряжаюсь мотивацией прямо от движения цен акций. What is this?

Very bad then, that I do not have enough money to go to Mig Invest, where there is a very small commission and many other privileges. And it's time to get out of Broko – т.е комиссия $0.012 drives even more melancholy.

There is no money in real life, I won't ask my parents for help, т.к скажут «you make money on your computer». На работу идти не особо хочется… all in all… We must somehow endure this shitty moment in life, which by the way is not the first, и двигаться дальше.

Decided, that there is nothing to waste time on Vkontakte, demotivators, etc.. similar nonsense, which only kills time. But now I don't know what to do in my free time. Need to think of something, what will bring money, and the exchange is not open yet – заниматься этим делом. Кароче в голове что-то вроде редкой каши, which does not bother much, but also does not allow to think fully.


P.S: Стискиваю зубы и иду дальше. Hope, that when I succeed and I re-read this and previous similar posts – меня тронет «pride in myself«.

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