Review of the best systems on Collective2

Say, that it is impossible to make money on Forex. But what system has been monitored on Collective for more than a year and a half, что является довольно редким явлением — it is not often possible to find a system for forex with such an evenly growing account equity. Moreover, this is not pipsing, not intraday, and a normal system with an average position holding time 17 days, which makes it extremely convenient for unobtrusive trading. Signal subscription price per month, at all, ridiculous — Total 45 Dollars. So that, who trades forex, just have to subscribe to these signals, as a last resort, с целью диверсификации. Moreover, this is not the case for signals with the promise of future profitability in 20-50% per month, a publicly monitored system with evidence of serious intentions. Let's hope this was not an accidental result..

Who does not know what is Collective2 — raise your hands.
All in all, this is the most famous place on the internet, where investors and traders from all over the world converge. If you have a profitable system or are trading profitably in an intuitive way, but there is no money to trade for yourself, then just open an account on Collective, trade there for a while so that at least some account history appears and if the equity curve of your account creeps up, subscribers will be drawn to you, and there are immeasurable of them.. You set the price for signals yourself, considering the competition. It is possible in a month, for a quarter or for each profitable trade — there are many options. Think, very profitable business, and then many on forums spam differently, investors are looking for, and investors are all on Collective hang out :)

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