about conspiracy theories

I don't like this approach for two reasons:

and) psychological – such theories often compensate for misunderstanding of what is happening, something like primitive paganism. primitive, This does not mean, that complex concepts are missing. a plus, so you can always explain why you were wrong, they say the higher powers decided to deceive everyone in a different way this time.

b) practical – how to use it? IMHO, the market will always tell you, what is he going to do. certainly, his, market, can be misunderstood and misinterpreted. but in hindsight everything is clear)


By the way, here is the Ukrainian market -7% does, 
and two stocks around which in the last two weeks arose
most crazy ideas – LUAZ and MTBD fly on 14% And 18%.

I would be quite happy, if it all happened at the end of April,
now I wanted a smoother decline, to make the rebounds work.

looking forward to finding the 'Russian trace'))
yet again, IMHO, not in vain I yesterday `` looked at oil and was afraid '')

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