About risk management

I receive messages asking me to tell you more about the principles of risk management.

I believe, what is the main thing – tight control. Amount of deals, traded shares and clear stop loss.

If you are properly restricted – you won't lose much for sure.

The problem with overtrading disappears altogether.

Your Net is clearly linked to Gross’ y. If one grows – the other will not stand still.

Для начинающих – just super!

Broker Trade-Ua совместно с А. Gerchik developed an interesting system for trading in the American markets.

More experienced people can customize it for themselves., for other markets. Beginners should follow it clearly..

In our office, several people have remade this program for themselves.. The effect is noticeable.

The program itself:

1 stage – 1 Sunday. The trader is put at risk for the day 9$, autoclouse 10$, дается 600 шерс (i.e, if the trader's first deal is positive, then he can still do 1 deal, if plus and second, it can do the 3rd, if a trader сделал первую сделку минусовую, at the same time did not even reach minus 9$ – should stop trading).

Upon successful completion – transition to the second stage.

2 stage – 2 weeks. The trader is put at risk for the day 10$, autoclouse 15$, дается 1000 шерс (that is, the trader can do up to 5 positive deals). Allowed 2 минусовые сделки, after 2 minus stops trading, even if it has not reached the stop loss.

Upon successful completion – переход на 3 stage, with negative net – переход на 1 stage.

3 stage – 4 weeks. The trader is put at risk for the day 15$, autoclouse 20$, дается 1400 шерс (that is, the trader can do up to 7 positive deals). Closes with 3 negative trades, even if it has not reached the stop loss.
Upon successful completion – transition to the 4th stage, with negative net – on the 2nd.

  The beauty of fundamental analysis

P.S. do not write angry letters. Nobody imposes anything on you. I believe, that it can help many.
Не нравится – don't follow.

Also important: если вы видите, that you are doing great and the statistics are in your direction – try to increase the number of transactions.

This system is for people, who are just starting.

Ideally – you must understand yourself, what do you do best, which is worse and create your own system tailored to your personal pros and cons.

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