On the development of the RDF…


It is on their territory that I am currently deployed.. Right outside the door of our turtle trade room there are Zhoskie guys, которые терроризируют NYSE. One large room for day traders, another room for scalpers..

I once entered their scalper hall… I got scared)) Трудно обьяснить, what was going on there, but a shiver ran through my body))))) Of the chips, which I managed to see – this pear-mannequin))) Ie. with a series of moose in the room, you can see about the following picture)))))))

О общем, how do they trade there, I don't know, but the environment is very eco-friendly.. Ie. at least they know exactly what they are doing.

Further, as I understand, it's not only broker, but also PROP… ie. you can come there, show that you are not a moron and take money from the office.. на торговлю. Ess-but for this deal with a profit .. But at least you will not have any risks, as far as I understand..

What I noticed.. noticed a trend.. Firms began to appear in Russia, providing access to Western markets at very favorable rates and conditions.. they will teach you here and even give you money – current come and trade!

I, As a person, traded on almost any platform (MICEX, FORTS, CME, NYSE, Nasdaq и даже forex попробывал)), but interested in the development of the Russian market , I wonder:


Why is there not a single promoted or hyped propa for forts, for example??.. At least, since I haven't heard of him, so we can count, that it doesn't exist.

I just watch the Western professional participants and forex rip my ass, in order to win a client and fucking how far our exchanges are still before that .. They need to go apparently into some hyped kitchen and see how new accounts open up)))  When a lot of traders are sitting in the same room – powerful synergy is created… it's like a fucking sect)))) Really, it is very difficult to leave the trade room. Furthermore, you can't just sit there and not do shit… ты видишь, that everyone around is chopping money and you, too, have no time to waste)))) All in all, the commission is screwed up right…

  Goldman analytics

Why our exchanges and brokers do not use these techniques??? Yes, there are dealing rooms.. Well for that, to sit there all the time you usually need to give some loot.. And in prop for the fact that you sit there they give it to you)) On deposit)) Difference, for a beginner or average trader, as you can see, obvious…

А что такое среднестатистический trader? This is a fucking trader, least))))) Overall.. Say more, right now, almost everyone in this category))))) Who on the stock exchange earns? No one to bleat.. Apparently I'm the only one with the turtles)))) The rest are only on the charts in Excel.. and with stiments, showing only positive variation)))
That's why, там где есть толковое education и база для старта – people will go there…

Well, what am I…
Всё идет к тому, what…. maybe….  I will make the first one in Russia фьючерсный prop)))) Your own) Essno for those, кто у меня учился… Yes, I will give money. Ну.. do not give a blasphemy, if i see, that the person is adequate, trades strictly according to my rules and is friendly with discipline? I already have a trained eye)) And I'm sure of my strategy…

In general, I like these ideas.. About turtles, about fut.prop, about the site … all of them have no analogues in the country.. that's why I like doing this. I do not like to repeat after someone.

There are a lot of ideas.. but they are all based on my trade.. on my trading. (Dada, even the site will be based on it) And if some idea does not allow me to trade myself and show my real trading – this idea is not for me. And the rest – I enjoy all these projects.. И кстати сказать, I have better results in the group, than alone…

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