The benefits of intuition

& quot; Lucky Businessmen, seems, have a sixth sense, intuitive ability to anticipate the future and accept tough, unexpected decisions, which are justified a hundredfold. That fact, that intuition really pays off, proved by New York College of Engineering researcher E. Douglas Dean, sharing my experiences with the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He tested among 67 high-ranking managers, mostly corporate presidents, asking them to choose a number from zero to nine. This choice they had to make a hundred times. When they finished, an electronic computer was used, programmed to randomly select numbers. Each subject had a one in ten chance, to get a specific set of numbers, that is, give 10% correct answers. Was, what people, who managed to double the profits of their corporations over the past five years, had a significantly better result — 12,3% correct answers.
At the same time, management companies with lower incomes or simply unprofitable, had only 8,3% correct answers. The second test involved 25 other managers, 12 of which have doubled the profits of their corporations in the last five years. 11 people from this group had over 10% Success, а из 13 human, who failed to double their profits, 7 had rates below 10%."
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PS. So that, Zener cards in hand :)))

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