About the Unsleeping Boy by Channel One


…back to boy. Not crucified by Channel 1 on the bulletin board and not killed in a Boeing. A Boy from Leningrad from a typical very poor family of cattle, Boy, which is unlikely to be God, rather the devil, awarded with the strongest character and a very high `` barrier of danger ''. The family lived so poor, that the main goal of his life, this Boy defined `` the achievement of wealth" at any cost.

And apparently, The boy `` did not stand behind the price ''. All his manners, rhetoric and reactions still give him a very effective leader of the courtyard gang of punks, shaking lonely passers-by at night and teenage days, and that, that with his small stature he was precisely the leader, personally, I have no doubts.

The path for such boys will definitely lie in the zone sooner or later., and rather early, the late. But some outstanding specimens are sometimes lucky. So, Mike Tyson became a great boxer, and Samuel L. Jackson – great actor, and both happily escaped the fate predestined from childhood.

And our Boy went to Organs, but not a great spy, I never became a great counterintelligence officer, but something terrible happened for some, and for the Boy it became a plutonium detonator for career takeoff. The country disintegrated and completely transformed. And his career took off so, which is no longer possible above, only the sky above, but only eggs are cooler.

And from childhood in the mind of the Boy, the understanding of, that gopism is something like medieval chivalry, that's exactly that, what the strongest and most worthy can do, and who is not capable, that weak. The Boy was smart enough to hide this conviction for the time being., since in the course of his life the Boy became a real Politician, and politicians, as known, language is given for that, to hide your thoughts.

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And all these commerce, hucksters, пекари, лекари, builders and sculptors are inferior people, created for gopniks, to milk and cut them. And there is no reward for their achievements and innovations., because the gopnik does not need to invent and implement anything, he will specifically take away a specific finished product and will enjoy using it even more, than their creators.

But then old age imperceptibly approached, and the Boy was finally convinced, that he was right always and everywhere, and in his old age, this Boy decided to make the whole country happy, that he was raised and brought to the most powerful people in the world (in a sense, certainly, `` powerful '').

He decided to make his whole country a kind of `` world gopnik '', a predator, while the rest of the herbivores graze and gain weight and coat peacefully. Why should the country develop, increase production, introduce innovative technologies? They will come themselves and give everything, moreover, ready-made products. And if 20-25 million to leave in the oil and gas sector, the same amount in service and maintenance, а остальных – to the soldiers, and everyone will be happy. And if at the same time carefully and carefully separate the sheep from the goats, but don't touch the goats, so as not to run into a `` return line '', then everything will go `` way ''.

And our boy started with the nearest neighbor at the first opportunity, mindful of my previous experience with one oligarch who turned up – ate that, and the rest immediately became affectionate and silky, and carried on a silver platter all, which the Boy did not even have time to hint at. And he hoped, which will also be at the level of the State, and happiness will come to all Russians, and long, the bright memory of the Great Sovereign will live in the age-old Russian memory of grateful descendants.


But suddenly something went wrong. Grazing herbivores raised their muzzles from grass and root crops, and everyone saw, that there are a lot of predators among them, and they have more fangs and claws than ours. It's just that these 'herbivores" read the Gospels and other liberal nonsense (from the Boy's point of view), and decided to become committed vegetarians, what were the first games, first volves and first volunteers in the first days from the creation of the World, while one Virgo ate some forbidden apple in one of the Garden of Eden…

And now we all sit and wait, what will these former predators do next?. Do they have enough political will and elementary courage to slap the Boy in the forehead like this, so that the sky seemed to him like a sheepskin. They definitely have enough strength. But strength itself is not a threat., and the readiness of its bearer to use this power. And the degree of this threat is directly proportional to the, how far can the user go.

Ours is able to go to the end. Even the end of the world, and everyone already understood it. But if he feels the REAL strength opposite, then he will retreat, how felt and retreated in China…

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