About corrections and bear markets.

Check out the history of the big bear markets. Over the past hundred years, there were only three of them.. This is the great depression 1929 – 1942 yy, seventies crisis 1970 – 1975 yy and technology and banking bubbles 2000 – 2009 yy. They did not repeat themselves often., at intervals, least 25 and more years. apparently, it is required to completely change the generation, and new investors appeared, who do not remember previous disasters. They lose their guard, believing that markets are only growing and previous bear markets are just annoying misunderstandings of the past, which will never be repeated in the future.

Currently, it cannot be said that the generation has completely changed, who does not remember the crisis 2008-2009 yy, since only eight years have passed. In my, now they only say that a new crisis is inevitable and will be so terrible that it will overshadow all the previous ones. It is clear that the experience of 2008 affects. Caution and fear of bulls and hope of bears are still present in the markets and for sure, will be present for a long time. So the likelihood of a crisis like the previous three, I think, small.

Other short corrections did not exceed 10-30% and are normal, natural corrections in a bull market, which will be more than once. That's why, statements that I, ostensibly "promised an endless holiday" for the next 25 years, and here, you see, the market fell by 2%  (a whole collapse), not accepted :)

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