about sad

decided to inquire about the site for obvious reasons Discoveries and came across an entertaining thing Truth and Beauty by Eric Kraus, in fact, you will find everything from the link, если вдруг не знаете, I didn't know about it, which is why I have a stable, albeit a mobile psyche.

I never liked the period of the late 90s – early 00s for his overwhelming reasoning about intervention, войнах, new eras and a near-political approach to economic processes. i sincerely hope, that we will not return to this extravaganza. because like the market can be irrational longer, than your ability to pay, so the trends in the reasoning of economists / onolitegs may exist longer, how you save your own brain from irreparable damage.

At that time, such reasoning and such a style are returning to us.

We are very amused by that, With what anger The Economist magazine asks the Western powers, how can they be so friendly with Russia? They are angry, mainly, because, which is quite rightly understood: `` Russia is not like us… Russia does not behave like a respectable European – Russia behaves like… RUSSIA! How dare she?!"

And here The Economist magazine is finally right.. Western powers have really changed their tone: so far, their Russian policy has been completely disastrous, и после того, how, thanks to Anglo-American complicity, relations were completely ruined, the largest EU countries belatedly realized, that they have enough problems even without serious discord within Europe.

And now the French and German delegations one by one replace each other in Moscow literally on a daily basis., and business ties are experiencing a new heyday. Americans also have their own idea of «reboots»: undoubtedly, past those times, when neoconservatives threatened Russia «regime change», and Cheney wanted to bomb the Russian troops approaching Ossetia.

Does our reader remember, that the Orange Revolution was supposed to sweep the streets of Moscow and return Russia to a subordinate state, which the West liked so much in the 1990s.? How Russians were about to rebel against the hated regime and return pro-Western liberals to power, which in the 1990s. worked wonders? How Khodorkovsky prepared to lead his people to the Promised Land? Or from memories of the last time: does our reader remember the angry demands, for Russia to allow Georgia to re-occupy South Ossetia and Abkhazia?

В действительности же, after the destruction of the foundations of the Ukrainian economy, the Orange Revolution and the extremely corrupt Tymoshenko faded into oblivion and gave way to a pro-Russian president, who is doing his best now, to make up for that damage, which the Yushchenko presidency inflicted on Ukrainian-Russian relations.

Meanwhile, the behavior of the mentally unstable Georgian president is becoming more and more bizarre.: recently the country was agitated by fabricated filming, which talk about the Russian invasion and occupation, Saakashvili's death at the hands of the invaders. Нет нужды говорить о том, that it was falsification, invented in the presidential office.

ie. again `` powers '', "запад", `` mentally unstable '', & quot; falsifications" etc.
world financial crisis, come back, please…

  Валентин Гроголь: «Профессионал зарабатывает, а любитель – играет»
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