About wholeness

Дом, like a man, can be whole, but in either case it is extremely rare.
Ayn Rand

Wholeness — this is when you wake up in the morning and you know, кто ты, куда идешь, what goals do you set and what needs to be done to achieve them.

This is when you open a deal and you know, что будешь делать, if a

  1. the price will go your way,
  2. the price will go against you,
  3. Internet will be lost, a house fire will start or the Earth will be invaded by aliens.

This is when no one and nothing in the world bothers you. Noisy neighbors do not interfere, президент тоже не мешает, mischievous children do not interfere, small salary does not interfere, близкие, who don't understand you, do not interfere too, machine, которая чуть не (or already) moved you — also does not interfere… TV does not interfere, cancer diagnosis, falling from the windowsill in childhood, маленький член и много чего еще.

This is when you are always and everywhere the same. And with friends and enemies you speak on the same note. Do not curry favor with your superiors and do not shout at subordinates. У цельности нет двойного дна или дюжины масок. We are changing, This is clear! It's foolish to think, what 12 летний мальчик останется тем же по образу мыслей в 30 or 50 years. But when the masks of people passing in front of us change several times a day, you understand, that this is not due to the evolution of consciousness. However, how many masks I changed in the morning?

This is when you chop off the shoulder, if your position and faith require it. As opposed to considering the benefits and costs of different behaviors.

This is when I'm ready to die for my ideals. Причем не надо думать, that everyone has ideals. Everyone has only opinions-judgments-inferences, which can quickly change, if so it would be beneficial to offset the cognitive dissonance in the head. Here is a man-like-a-good-family man — was faithful 20 years old wife, and drunk changed once. Uncomfortable! So you need to draw a picture explaining beautifully: wife is to blame, started myself, sex has turned into a gray routine, does not respect or appreciate me, such an eagle, yes and in general, are there feelings left and is it worth living, deceiving yourself and others? And over time, you can draw a wonderful theory, but the theory will fool the brain, but my heart understands, what nonsense is all this and a manifestation of weakness. And cheating on a person, who was faithful to you and hoped for reciprocity — it is a crime. If you really want to have sex — go and tell your wife first, explain the reasons, pick up manats, divide the property, разведись, provide the children with money and go to another.

  Based on Connors systems

Wholeness — this is not some piece of knowledge. Not a side of life and not part of the puzzle. This is the WHOLE. ALL IN ONE.

Whichever side you look at — you won't see anything else. Like a sound «Mu» in zen koan. Only «Mu» and nothing else. But the whole world is in it.

In any situation, in any country, in any society, integrity retains its properties and does not disintegrate under the influence of external factors. А наоборот, heals others.


To strive for and strive for. Even though the path seems endless.

And when we get tired of thinking about material goods, popularity, pleasures, обидах, defeats — let's finally think about recreating our own integrity.

And she sometimes has a strange appearance.

Sometimes it seems to me, what's between two people, smashing each other's muzzles into blood, more understanding, than between those, who looks at each other like this, as if from the outside.
Julio Cortázar

God bless you!

My world
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