NYSE and NYSE Amex Fees List Update

With 1 august 2009 of the year NYSE And AMEX introduce the following changes to pricing (prices are pending SEC approval).

Wholesale prices NYSE

NYSE Introduces Volume Traded Pricing. For firms, passing on this requirement the price is entered $ 0.17 / 100shares, What's on 32-43% below, than other major exchanges, also the fee for MOC / LOC orders is reduced to $ 0.06 / 100shares.
Clients will be able to receive reduced rates subject to the average daily volume (“ADV”) a month higher 130 million shares, including adding liquidity (prim.per.: placing and executing limit orders) на более чем 30 million shares and more than 15 million shares in MOC и LOC ордерам. Просьба отметить, that NYSE plans to increase qualifying requirements for traded volume in September, but sets lower requirements for August in view of the expected summer decline in trading activity.

NYSE price for non-standard lots

Non-standard lots (including portions of partially round lots) will be charged by price $0.0018 per share, and not as before $0.0005. The new tariff better matches the pricing of the standard lot (prim.per.: 100 Shares) and on 28-40% below, than other major exchanges.

NYSE Opening Auction Prices

Order fees, executed at the auction upon opening will change from free to $0.0005 per share, at the same time, the maximum fee per client will not exceed $10000 per month.

Closing Auction Prices NYSE

Prices for MOC / LOC orders, executed at the NYSE close auction will change from $0.0005 to $0.0007 per share. Additionally, the restriction in $120 maximum for one transaction. Firms, who meet the requirements for the traded volume will pay $0.00006 per share at the NYSE close auction.

  Quotes about your trade (Gerchik)

Auction prices at the close of NYSE AMEX

Prices for MOC / LOC orders, executed in the auction at the close of NYSE AMEX will change from $0.0005 to $0.0007 per share.

(C) traderupdates.nyse.com/2009/07/nyse_and_nyse_amex_fee_schedul.html

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