NYSE and NASDAQ agree on mutual assistance

Bloomberg and WSJ report, that at the request of the regulatory authorities major stock exchanges NYSE And NASDAQ joined forces to make the stock market as stable as possible. At this stage, two options are being discussed. Option one is duplication of systems for each other by exchanges, which consolidate quotes. The bottom line is, what if one of the trading platforms fails, then the quotes of the securities traded on it will be available to market participants on another exchange. The second option provides for the participation of Depositary Truast & Clearing to manage duplication system.

Between United States Trading Platforms In recent years there has been strong competition. There are now more 50 platforms. but, all traded American companies are represented on the platforms, run by NASDAQ or NYSE, therefore, due to failures on these exchanges, the entire market suffers.

Robert Greifeld, CEO of NASDAQ Exchange, States, that the root of the disruption on his marketplace lies in the fragmentation of the market, which appeared after the appearance 50 trading platforms and 13 trading floors. In the days of the "monopoly market", working on it looked like driving a car, now it's more like flying a jet plane.

More http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-09-26/nyse-said-to-join-nasdaq-weighing-plan-to-collaborate-on-backups.html

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