New service for traders "MonitorRing"

Hello, friends!

Trader's path is not easy and thorny, not for me to tell you… Some started out with small amounts, others from large. Regardless of the volume of initial deposits, практически каждый trader, being new to Forex, passed a certain stage of formation. Even being grounded in theory, many have either completely lost the original amounts, or were forced to suspend trade, take time out, analyze what happened, поднакопить деньжат =) This is fine, for without practical skills, any theory is not worth a damn.

Furthermore, without losses, there can be no question of any experience. For the experience of loss — most valuable, which can further provide an invaluable service to the trader.
Many speculators know, what is it like to spend days and nights in front of monitors, monitoring each tick of a quote change in one direction or another. If you watch the growth of the deposit, you enjoy your ability to predict the situation, calculate the actions of large market players. Lesion, in its turn, although it spoils the mood, but at the same time adds experience, which in the future will allow you to avoid a similar error. For me personally, every losing trade was like another "coin", thrown into the "piggy bank" of knowledge and experience.

At some point I came to that, what are those frames, in which I was in the period «early creativity», already tight for me, and then the next phase began - the search for a large investor. It's one thing to stomp on 100-500 Dollars, another is to trade in hundreds of thousands of dollars. Undoubtedly, the concept of "large" is very vague, and each trader has his own idea of ​​a large investor and amounts, which he can do, in terms of management.

Now many novice traders are in a hurry to start attracting investors as soon as possible.. Spamming pages in social networks, mailboxes by their achievements =)

  Billionaire 2011-04-20 20:19:34

Can draw diagrams, show trading reports on demo or real accounts, foaming at the mouth to prove its ability to increase the capital of the investor, но для многих из них charts все равно что китайские иероглифы, and to entrust money to a person "from the street", not everyone will agree. In the same time, there are a huge number of people, having free capital, which they are ready to invest in a profitable business. AND, for that, so that a trader can find an investor, and the investor put free capital into circulation, resources are created, on which the trading accounts of forex traders are monitored.

One of them is "MonitoRing".

Its essence is simple — working out a public history of a trading account. The system makes it possible to demonstrate the manager's trading achievements, and the investor can choose the managers, which correspond to his idea of ​​the competent management of the invested funds.
After that, how a trader will register on the site and add his strategy or trading account, every investor, by visiting the site, will be able to evaluate the work of a particular trader, and make your choice. Here for both sides, trader and investor, there is an indisputable advantage - the more traders show their achievements, the greater will be the choice of managers for the investor. In its turn, the resource is able to attract an almost unlimited number of investors, And, thereby, large sums to manage. However, time will show.

but, friends, do not forget about, что осуществить «overflow of bills» (acceleration of one depot by draining others, opening in pairs in different directions to the full extent) you can use any service and I recommend avoiding investing in accounts, which grew linearly without drawdowns in a short time, increasing multiples each time and showing insane percentages.

Top 10 of MonitoRing accounts at this link

  Everyday life of a trader in rainy weather.

God bless you, at least until the next blog update Zen trading

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