New thoughts

Found a job, I like her. Salesman. Seller of motor oils and other rubbish for cars. Quite a cozy little shop, good boss. As I understand – proactive actions towards the promotion of this store are welcome, i have ideas, I have a desire to work and in general I'm glad. The only thing that confuses me, this is in my opinion, малое вознаграждение за работу. Потиху начал втягиваться в автомобильные клубы, more precisely returned to «Gomel Auto Club» And «Impulse-speed club». First – very famous in our city and indeed in Belarus, and the second is only a year old, he did not unwind, ребята трохан не определенные, so they stand still. Spoke to them today, decided to help them make a website, да и вобще помочь как-то их раскрутить. Как вы наверное поняли вернулся к клубам не просто так, but because of his «нового» future place of work, тематика связанна. Therefore, if there is a good connection with auto clubs, then there will be additional customers in the store. This, in principle, is one of the ideas for promoting a store..

Amid all this – Trading пока что уходит на задний план. There are two reasons: не думаю что будет хватать на это времени. The second reason – no deposit anyway, money for him too. Therefore, in this case, the usual, real work with guaranteed earnings.

Пока всё. До скорого.

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