News of the portal

repost [info]mighty777

Implemented a graphical interface for comparing the dynamics of different OLCHI portfolios. You can select portfolios to compare (no more 5), time interval and build charts dynamics of profitability. Admin-team maintains portfolio of MICEX index – it is possible to compare the dynamics of your portfolio with the index.
The main page now has a block with the 5 best OLCHI portfolios in terms of profitability since the beginning of the year.
On the main page appeared “our sentiment meter” – You can leave your opinion on the behavior of the market in the next week or two and find out the average opinion of site visitors regarding the near future of stock markets. A new poll will open every week. You can use this data to your advantage. Many people prefer to play against the majority opinion.
Articles published: Buy a CD too – interview with one of the founders of the investment league magazine D’ , as well as the famous exponential Monkey beat asset managers.
A lot of new blogs on the portal.

  Another guru with an outstretched hand
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