US stock market news - NYSE, NASDAQ on 3.05.2017

● Трампу нужен shutdown для усиления власти
● Inflation in Turkey has risen to 11,9% in April
● Eurozone GDP in Q1 grew by 0,5%
● US Senate voted to appoint attorney Jay Clayton as head of the Securities and Exchange Commission
● JPMorgan Chase & Co. plans to transfer hundreds of London bankers to expanded offices in Dublin, Frankfurt and Luxembourg, as the bank prepares to, that the UK could lose access to the EU single market after Brexit, writes Bloomberg.

● The oil market is in the red again. All attempts to grow are broken against more and more new obstacles.. This time the news came from Saudi Arabia, where national oil company Saudi Aramco increases discounts for the third month in a row.
● The US manufacturing sector will continue to shrink. The American economy will be on the verge of another round, when the industrial sector will shrink, since it is much less profitable to produce real goods now, than investing in Wall Street.
● Apple's 2Q09 net income increased by 4,9% to $11,03 billion. Net revenue increased by 4,6% to $52,9 billion, but iPhone sales fell by 0,84% with 51,19 million pieces to 50,76 things.
In your financial statement, provided information, which is the owner $256 billion in cash and securities. That's a huge number of iPhones and iPads sold., but more remarkable, that the total amount of cash is significantly higher than that of tech giants like Microsoft, Google/Alphabet и Amazon combined.
● Премьер-министр Чехии объявил о внезапной отставке
● Twilio publishes first quarter financials 2017 of the year. During the specified period, income was received in the amount of $87,4 million, What's on 47% more, than last year. In spite of this, net loss per share, is $0,04. Wall Street analysts predicted income in $83,6 mln and a net loss per share in the amount of 6 Cents
● FAS fines Google on 438 million rubles, and Yandex has risen in price by 100 rubles per share
● Etsy fired CEO Chad Dickerson and the share price fell by 14%
● FleetCor купит Cambridge Global Payments за $675 million
● Bitcoin has almost reached the mark $ 1,400 for a coin
● US President Donald Trump said, that is considering the possibility of forced fragmentation of the largest banks in the country. Experts believe, that with the right approach, this measure can be beneficial for the entire financial market, and bank investors: it will bring tougher competition to the market, and investors will be able to successfully sell their shares in the fragmentation of large corporations. However, not clear yet, how Congress will treat these initiatives - law 1999 of the year, which led to the formation of banks in their current form, was developed and supported by Republicans, who now constitute a majority in Congress.
● Mondelez International Inc.. (NASDAQ: MDLZ) announced a profit in the first quarter of $630 million (41 cent per share) compared to $554 million (35 cents per share) a year earlier.
● First Solar Inc. (NASDAQ: FSLR) announced a profit in the first quarter of $9,1 million (9 cents per share) compared to $195,6 million ($1,90 per share) a year earlier.
● Gilead Sciences (NASDAQ: GILD) announced a profit in the first quarter of $2,70 billion ($2,05 per share) compared to $3,57 billion ($2,53 per share) a year earlier.
● Goldman Sachs upgrades its recommendation for McDonald’s shares (NYSE: MCD) from neutral to “buy” with target price $153.
● Jefferies lowers target price for US Steel shares (NYSE: X) to $29 from $50, confirming the recommendation at the level “buy”

  Sugar is finally sold.
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