US stock market news - NYSE, NASDAQ on 22.11.2016

● Record harvest and rising U.S. crop exports play into the hands of rail operators , until now : которые страдают от пор сокращения поставок угля и нефти

● Donald Trump promised to lift restrictions on energy, to stimulate the growth of coal and oil production. But oil production is unlikely to grow from the implementation of his proposed measures , because it is influenced by completely different factors
● Sunoco Logistics will acquire for $ 21 bln Energy Transmission Partners. It will simplify the network of pipeline operators, миллиардером американским контролируемых Келси Уорреном
● Michael Sherwood, one of the leaders of the European business of Goldman Sachs, on Monday unexpectedly announced his resignation after 30 years of work in the investment bank. He played a key role in developing the Goldman Sachs business in Europe

● Goldman Sachs left the R3 consortium, who invests in blockchain technology. The bank was one of its founders, but no longer wants to make investments with dozens of other partners , says the man, с ситуацией знакомый
● After Trump won the election, the dollar and US stock markets rose, and courses валют и котировки акций на рынках развивающихся стран – decreased. This creates parallels with the situation in 2013 G., USA FED : когда о прекращении объявила программы Покупки облигаций
● Glasses with the function of video recording of spectacles are very popular among Snapchat users. This is partly due to the fact, that they are difficult to buy. This can be done only in special vending machines., which appear in a random place at a specific time. For example, one device was placed at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, добирались покупатели и к нему на вертолете
● US regulators began to investigate the collapse of a giant drone Facebook
● NBCUniversal nearly doubles its stake in entertainment and news site BuzzFeed, investing in it more $ 200 million. It is now valued at $ 1,7 billion
● AB InBev, Heineken and Carlsberg re-invest in non-alcoholic beer, focusing on tightening industry regulation and changing consumer preferences. Безалкогольное пиво хотя так до сих пор и НЕ пользуется высоким спросом
● Alibaba announced the purchase on Monday 32% discounter Sanjiang Shopping Club for $ about 290 million.
● Jewelry retailer Signet Jewelers (NYSE: SIG) reported a profit in the third quarter of $17 million (20 cents per share) compared to $15 million (19 cents per share) a year earlier. Operating profit was 30 cents per share. Revenue for the reporting period fell by 2,5% to $1,19 billion.
● Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc (NYSE: DPS) said Tuesday it would buy high antioxidant beverage maker Bai Brands LLC. The transaction value will be $1,7 billion in cash.
● Dollar Tree Inc. (NASDAQ: DLTR) reported a profit in the third quarter of $172 million (72 cents per share) compared to $82 million (35 cents per share) a year earlier.
● Arista Networks Inc stock price. (NYSE: ANET) reached record highs at trading on Monday, increased by the day by 7,4% on the news about, that the US import ban, arising from a patent dispute with Cisco, was filmed
● Palo Alto Networks Inc. (NYSE: PANW) announced the receipt in the first quarter of a loss in the amount of $62 million (69 cents per share). Operating profit is fixed at 55 cents per share. Revenue for the reporting period amounted to $398 million.
● Goldman Sachs Group Inc. downgraded recommendation for 3M shares (NYSE: MMM) to "sell" from "neutral"
● Defense Contractor Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) received an order from the Korean Air Force to re-equip 134 F-16 fighters. The cost of the contract will be $1,2 billion.
● Fitch Rating Agency has affirmed the long-term issuer rating in foreign and local currencies of the PRC at the level of “A +” with “Stable” Forecast, сообщается в пресс-релизе агентства.
● Investors dumped bonds last week at the fastest pace with 2013 G. on concerns about higher interest rates in the US and accelerating inflation, свидетельствуют данные аналитиков Deutsche Bank. Markets await, that US President-elect Donald Trump will increase budget spending, что в свою очередь приведет к росту инфляции.
● Equities hit record highs in anticipation of faster economic growth driven by increased government spending. According to analysts at Deutsche Bank, пока до завершения перехода из облигаций в акции далеко.
● Global funds sold stocks and bonds for about $11 billion in emerging markets in Asia after Donald Trump's victory in the US presidential election. Expectations, related to his economic policy, спровоцировали рост доходности казначейских облигаций США и максимальное за восемь лет ралли доллара.
● US government bonds now look the most risky in relation to stocks since summer 2013 G.
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