US stock market news - NYSE, NASDAQ on 07.03.2017

● China's foreign exchange reserves rose in February despite analysts' forecasts. In the previous eight months, they have been declining amid capital outflows

● Trumpchi, a popular car brand in China, intends to enter the US market in the coming years. But the company needs to decide, whether to use this name in the USA, even though it has nothing to do with Trump
● Several former Tesla managers plan to build Europe's first major battery plant for electric vehicles in Scandinavia. Its cost will be $4 billion

● The hybrid Toyota Prius has dominated the Japanese car market in recent years, but in recent months, the new hybrid Nissan Note e-Power has become more popular. Its engines work differently, therefore consumers enjoy driving
● Exxon Mobil plans to spend about $20 billion of refineries, petrochemical plants and other projects in the Gulf of Mexico, заявил в понедельник ее гендиректор Даррен Вудс.
FED США думает подать в суд на бывшего трейдера JPMorgan Chase Бруно Иксила, better known as the "London whale", because of whose actions his bank lost $6,2 billion. He faces lifelong suspension from work in the financial sector
Amazon и Pinterest намерены составить конкуренцию Google, доминирующей на рынке поисковой рекламы
● IBM и Salesforce договорились интегрировать свои технологии искусственного интеллекта.
● Республиканцы представили проект изменения Obamacare
● LinkedIn отказалась исполнить требование о локализации баз с персональными данными российских граждан на территории России.
● Хедж-фонды рекордно распродают доллары. Это стало самым продолжительным периодом распродаж за последние семь лет
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