● For the first time in the history of the Russian Federation there will be sugar exports this year. Russia will not just cover its need, will be in the area 1 млн тонн профицит производства сахара
● Tesla's Model S sedan sales jumped by 59% in the III quarter of this year compared to the same period last year. In this way, the company solidifies its leadership in luxury car sales, according to Tesla itself. Previously, the company did not disclose third quarter figures for competitors.
● Председатель совета директоров и главный исполнительный директор Wells Fargo Джон Стампф покинул свой пост из-за последствий скандала вокруг массового открытия клиентам банка счетов без их ведома.
Tim Sloan becomes the new CEO of the bank, Stephen Sanger will chair the board of directors, the bank said. Оба руководителя и ранее входили в топ-менеджмент Wells Fargo.
● The largest bank in the UK mortgage market announced plans to reduce 1230 сотрудников в рамках ранее озвученного плана по оптимизации расходов.
● World renowned company General Motors (GM) invested in Chinese service Yi Wei Xing, which provides short-term car rental services, created in 2014 year and currently working in 40 cities in China, at the same time, the volume of investments was not disclosed by agreement of both companies.
● Необычный фитнес-трекер LVL «взорвал» Kickstarter
Austin startups, Texas, created an unusual LVL fitness tracker. On release of the device, which measures the pulse, the number of steps taken and the level of hydration of the body, collected more than 900 thousand. dollars instead of required 50 thousand level of hydration - an indicator of the body's water balance. When we are dehydrated, our body becomes less efficient.: fatigue appears, having trouble sleeping, decreased mental and physical abilities.
● Domino’s Pizza (
NYSE: DPZ) announced today that, what the 13 weeks ending 25 September group sales increased by 12 to 237 million pounds ($307,1 million).
● Vera Bradley Inc. (
NASDAQ: ASK) investigates a possible leak of credit card data, which took place in July-September this year.
● JetBlue Airways (NASDAQ: JBLU) announced on Wednesday that it was growing by 10,8% September passenger traffic on the airline's flights to 3,43 billion passenger miles.
● Greenwave Systems, a global company headquartered in California, USA, hired Goldman Sachs Group experts to study a possible initial public offering already in 2017 G.
● Управляющие FED США хотят повысить процентные ставки «относительно скоро», but disagreements persist between them, evidenced by the minutes of their September meeting. Many economists are now waiting, that it will happen in december
● American Extraction Oil & Gas conducted an IPO on Wednesday $633 million. It has become the largest in the oil sector since October 2014 G., when did the collapse of oil prices begin
● American oil companies are increasingly raising funds in the stock and bond markets, and they are of interest to investors
● Japan's San-In Godo Bank will stop buying and selling many Japanese government bonds, and instead he intends to buy mortgage bonds in the United States
● ING will move up to 60 traders from Amsterdam and Brussels to London
Snap, famous for messenger Snapchat, hired Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs for the IPO, which may take place in March. Expected, that the company will be valued in $20-25 billion
Amazon запустила собственный музыкальный потоковый сервис Amazon Music Unlimited. In this way, Spotify and Apple have a new competitor in this fast growing market. That being said, Amazon offers lower prices., and its service will be available not only on smartphones
● The fashion house Roberto Cavalli announced on Wednesday, which will reduce 200 from 672 employees as part of the business restructuring under the new CEO Gian Giacomo Ferraris. Также он закроет ряд магазинов по всему миру
A source: https://vk.com/dolphin_traders