Many people talk about, that buying receipts from European companies is a completely hopeless business, but not in that case, when it comes to Roche receipts (OTC: RHHBY), a briefcase for a month or a year, and a new cancer drug in the United States, which can be applied before surgery.

Many hundreds of thousands of people every year, who are diagnosed with cancer breast, undergo radiation or chemotherapy before surgery, and are ready to give everything in the world for breast cancer drugs.

A new way to treat breast cancer

Roche receipts look especially confident given the fact that, that for a long time none of these drugs received FDA approval for use in the preoperative phase. On the eve of the FDA under the accelerated scheme approved the drug Perjeta (pertuzumab) as a cure for breast cancer, which can be applied before surgery. For treatment after surgery, the drug was approved last year..

Perjeta is recommended for the treatment of patients with early stages of breast cancer, tumor more 2 cm in diameter with lymph node metastases. We are talking about patients with an inoperable form of cancer with a high risk of death from metastases., susceptible to human epidermal growth factor, which has 20% affected by breast cancer.

FDA approval based on research 417 patients, treated in one of four ways: Herceptin (trastuzumab) along with chemotherapy, Perjeta along with Herceptin and chemotherapy, Perjeta with Herceptin and Perjeta in parallel with chemotherapy. About 39% those, who was treated with Perjeta with Herceptin and chemotherapy, recovered from breast and lymph node cancer. In this way, the effectiveness of treatment increased by 18 percentage points compared to patients, who received only Herceptin in parallel with chemotherapy.

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FDA Is Now Conducting Additional Confirmatory Trials, in which participates 4800 patients, who had positive epidermal growth factor and breast cancer before surgery, and after it were left with a high risk of, that cancer will return. Results are expected in 2016 year, but some doctors are already prescribing Perjeta for preoperative treatment.

Breast cancer treatment cost

Cancer cure is not cheap. The Perjeta course together with Herceptin will cost the patient 27000-49000 dollars and will take from nine to 18 weeks of treatment. But given, what's about 232340 women this year will be diagnosed with breast cancer and almost 40000 a person will die from this disease, progress is evident.

Going back to the Roche receipts, I think, that in the light of the above, they represent an attractive investment object with growth potential 20% during a year.

author: Mikhail Krylov

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