New trading system. The main thing is escort and exit (beta see.01.01.2011)


С наступившим Новым 2011 Year and approaching Рождеством вас, dear blog readers.

Today, on the first day of the New Year, I got a feeling of incompleteness, as if I have done much less in the past year, than he could. Probably, and there is. On the other hand, this can also be viewed as a signal to, что бы более конкретно определить цели на наступающий год и последовательно идти к их воплощению.

I previously had a leaving period «into the shade». I just got tired of active communication on the forums and retired on a blog. После случая с Броко и разгоном депо на пшенице я вновь пообщался со своими старыми знакомыми и коллегами по трейдингу, с которыми связь прервалась в силу моего отшельничества. I am grateful to all of them for their support and help and just for understanding.. So here, each of them has its own goals and aspirations: someone wants to share knowledge with the younger generation of traders, кто-то проводит courses, someone organizes podcasts, etc.. It's all great, but not mine. I am too I don't know much in theory, to teach or justify something, what's going on in the market. Furthermore, theory has never interested me because, that theorists are more likely to state what has already happened, and trader, in theory, must be proactive, that is, do forecasting. I I can not attribute myself to the fans of mts, as an attempt to mechanically catch a positive mate expectation, in my opinion, не есть трейдинг. Зато у меня есть huge experience of practical trade, I've seen a lot of different situations in the market and got a lot of bruises and bumps.

In the past year, I have repeatedly thought about creating some universal principles Trade, that would contribute to a qualitative leap in maximizing profitability and minimizing losses. However, it did not come to serious work., some developments were postponed until better times.

  InteractiveBrokers bureaucracy.

And now, probably, it's time to start working on postponed materials.

Maybe, there will be questions: What is the new system for?? How it will be fundamentally different from thousands of others?

I will try to answer: если кратко, then trading systems can be conditionally divided according to the principle of holding positions into short-term, medium and long term. Each has pros and cons.. So, средне и долгосрок are good, if the trader managed to correctly predict the movement of the instrument. In this case, he makes a decision only once. – then it just takes time and patience. But what if the prediction is wrong, what should a trader do? Loss is growing, trader, allowable, hides and waits for him. But he thinks, that the forecast is correct, just a little hasty, and therefore enters the market again, and again loss. And if you do not cover the loss, but just hold the position, which is typical for most traders, for both private and traders, working in hedge funds? Mistakes can cost too much.

Krastkremenniki not tied to global movements, they can open both with the trend and against the trend, take a profit of several tens of points and are satisfied. But you have to make decisions often, a large number of transactions can have zero or negative results.

In my opinion, never mind, by what principles does a trader enter the market? – the key is exactly, how to correctly follow the position and get out of it.

The initial data of the beta version are as follows: trading will be carried out mainly within the day, less often positions will be held for several days, убыток будет расчитываться заранее, market entry will be carried out in the presence of support / resistance, confirmed graphically on tf H1-H4 + channels + the most important thing – those same principles, which should contribute to the improvement of the system.

  Do not succumb to regret

About the principles a little later – I will say one thing, much has already been written by Viktor Barishpolts in his work «Forex for beginners». I will just try to modify for myself the whole body of knowledge gained..

I will try to regularly talk about the development of the vehicle with brief reports on the results and debriefing.

Good luck!

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