Normal guys are sitting on Forex ©

Last November, I ingloriously leaked a mini-account to 300 Dollars, threatening to disperse it to 100500 dollars for 3 weeks and 2 of the day, after a little shit on Smartlab with market fans MICEX, RTS, NYSE. You can read about this failed experiment here..

Generally, I did not care, that the account is drained, since I am originally in favor of, that you need to use a small part of your regular income to trade in the markets, without investing savings in this risky endeavor.

It would seem that, leaked and leaked - not a big problem. My reputation was before the lantern. Why is that? I had a difficult period in my life, when I lost my footing and was in a state of apathy and existential frustration, forgiven. However, I was surprised to find, that this incident had several important consequences.

1. For me, that banter with the "right" traders, who spread rot forex and carry their securities and stocks was entertaining in nature. It was just an excuse to show your nasty nature in conflict.. However, some of the participants and spectators put their hopes on me, sometimes unconscious, believing me and expecting immediate confirmation of the expressed thoughts without the right to make a mistake.

As a result, the drain I touched their feelings and hopes, adding a minus sign to the frame of mind. Yet 3 months ago I would say, what is their problem, I didn’t promise anything to anyone for 100%, however today, having experienced an important discovery, I have to admit - these are my problems. I am responsible for all thoughts and feelings, even if they are not mine.

2. Last post, written on the blog on the eve of the New 2013 of the year expressed a stalemate, in which I found myself. Deadlock in relationships with people and with oneself. Dead end or quietly die without light and air, or tear down the walls and come out into the light. I went out into the light or I just have a flash in my eyes - time will tell. But I want to believe, that I understood something important, that won't fall apart like a house of cards in a gust of wind.

After reading the book "Communicate with the child: how?»Gippenreiter Yu.B. I discovered, that children are not brought up in the conventional sense of the word. They mostly imitate their parents and loved ones., sniper noticing something, what has long been hidden from us. So, scolding children for certain manners, we essentially scold ourselves. And I don't feel like, so that my children grow up suspicious, offended at the world, depressive whiners, lamenting the injustice of the world and the imperfection of human nature. Around the mass of beautiful, доброго, and in general everything in this world is beautiful, whether we admit it or not.


3. Анонимы, who wrote negative comments on the blog. Everything is simple here.. I am grateful to them for that, what helped to understand one theory precisely in a practical cut.

so, from the point of view of transpersonal psychology, a person is a kind of image, "Mask", it is a set of qualities and characteristics, which he realizes as HIMSELF and accepts them, includes in its image. If you ask any of you about, что вы из себя представляете, you will begin to describe your qualities: добрый, rude, grumpy, uncertain, strong, etc.. All sorts of hobbies will go here., hobby, relationship with the world, professional quality, goals, etc.. The question is, how complete is this description, are there any stones hidden in the depths of my soul, which are hidden and do not appear?

Они есть!

But the truth is, that most of them are not hidden at all, but completely lies on the surface and the person is aware of them behind him, but for some reason does not include ITSELF, into your mask. As a rule, the reason is, that these qualities are inappropriate for him and come into conflict with upbringing, social norms, personally, etc.. And this person casts them to the level of the "shadow". Подсознательно. That is, he will never consider them OWN. But since they belong to him anyway, хочешь не хочешь, they make themselves felt. What to do, what to do with them, thinks the subconscious of our unhappy person?

The solution is found quickly and it is the same for all people.. These qualities are projected onto the surrounding world., on the people around. This allows you to draw an imaginary line between unwanted traits and your self..

That is all that, what annoys us in the people around us are OUR qualities, thrown by our subconscious on the level of "shadow" and provoked to the object outside

So those people, who came to the blog and wrote something like “Here is a drainer, loser and goof, by dividing it, does not know how to earn money - let him knock out of this business, his place in the ass "in plain text tell us about their problems and experiences, failures and doubts about ourselves.

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Now you, hope, понимаете, that such criticism, negative, aggression is essentially a cry of a tortured soul for help, appeal to others. Based on this state of affairs, it becomes quite understandable, why such aggressive people need redoubled attention and love.

Справочно: What to do? If a person wants to resolve such an internal conflict, he should just start observing his reactions and noting those, which are directed at others in a negative, annoying tone. To realize, what the hell is this reaction directed at and understand, that this trait is inherent in himself. Then you need to accept it, let in and forgive. We are all imperfect and there is no need to try to match the image of D'artanyan, no good at all, only disappointments and internal problems.

Usually, after such acceptance, it becomes easier for us to live, lightness and joy appear on the heart. We become more whole.

So these anonymous comments are perceived by me as part of my world., like the suffering of someone's soul. Мне очень жаль, что так происходит, after all, I myself have projected onto those around me many of my qualities cast down to the level of "shadow", trying to sculpt and hold a certain ideal image of SELF out of wet sand, which crumbled all the time, adding frustration and conflict to the inner world.

Nevertheless, crises are given to us for, to grow and learn to understand and know yourself, to know God.

4. Trading. As for my approach, I took some part of my income every month, and tried to overclock this amount tens and hundreds of times, trying to catch significant trends. Several hundred to increase to several tens of thousands by pyramiding is not a problem, if there are tendencies in the market of thousands of points and if you identified them correctly. But this approach is more fun., game, what i didn't want to admit (to the "shadow" level, Yes?). Game for all depots, albeit small - this is exactly fun game. So at the moment I decided to change my approach to, What do we have to do, overclocking the deposit.

  Announcement of Webinars for Thursday and Friday

This account and monitoring is dedicated to this..

Several principles, which I would like to apply in this experiment:

1. No analytics, News, calendars and other turbidity, которая скорее засирает Ethereum trader, rather than contributes to his productive work. A trader is already forced to make decisions in a difficult information environment. Known, that at the same time the brain can keep its attention from 3 to 7 objects simultaneously. Working in conventional, civilian conditions in the office or at home, listening to analytics, looking through some RBK, analyzing schedule, reading the forum, a trader finds himself in a situation, when one or more important parameters simply fall out of sight. It used to be like this, that when it was necessary to make decisions on closing positions, at the same time, there was a daughter in my arms, son was naughty next to me, the phone rang, some food was cooking on the stove - I just fell into a stupor, knocked down. Certainly, you need not trade at all at such moments and turn off the terminal.

2. Minimum time in the market. Rejection of long-term forecasts and expectations. For reasons, experienced above + desire to avoid disappointment, сязанного с тем, that you killed a dozen hours trading, and as a result, closed the week in minus, although the first deal, the most successful entry made a profit in 5-10%.

3. Clean schedule, without indicators.

4. Certainly, Forex. Because normal guys are sitting on Forex ©


Below is the data for online observation, investor login and password will be available for a month, because people still think, that someone can draw me charts or profits, even in spite of the previous result.

However, you can watch the profitability or drawdowns through this information banner.

[[visit the blog, to test this spoiler]]

Server Alpari-ECN-Live If you have MT4 from another broker, place this file in the Program Files / Metatrader / config folder

All profits and good luck! Thanks again for your attention and for any of your opinions..

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