Night comment

After fixing minus 3% managed to finish the day with a plus 2%.
That, that he covered during the fall, recovered by more than the average SHORT value. I do not expect any news on Monday to affect the big gap up, if there is a gap, then just down( rather more likely). When everything is so quiet and optimism prevails in the market, then wait ” stab in the back”.
The result is the price for the remaining position 1150 under the March contract. I will switch to the June contract on Monday.
Only a request to mine “доброжелателям” ” do not bite your nails” on the weekend and do not wish me losses :)))) And then I look at someone who posts in their blogs with hints, what got into SHORT. As you can see, I twist on ” угадайке”!!!

Good luck bulls! I hope you have set your feet, but it may not help if the gap is 10 points down! :)))))

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